MLB Stickball News Post

We have just posted our review of the XBox Live Downloadable Game (for 800 Microsoft points mind you) MLB Stickball.

"A few years ago, while browsing through clearance items at a sporting goods store, I came across a stickball set. It was a good price and it was decorated with my favorite team’s logo, so it was an easy purchase; I was excited by my seemingly thrifty and unique purchase."

Game: MLB StickballReader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 allBthere @ 10/15/08 10:07 PM
Very good review man. I only played the demo, and I will say that I did think it was fun, and had to play it a few times until I "won". I agree w/ your overall sentiment towards the game. The most impressive thing to me about this game is the hit variety - it's great. Because there are target obsticles and the surrounding are so unique, you can really tell where the ball lands and how fast it's going and realize that you might nt see the same hit twice.
The game's really all about the hitting, but at least they made it extremely good for an xbla game.
# 2 CeltBhoy33 @ 10/26/08 11:54 AM
Reminds me of Backyard baseball of the sort.
I will def get this. Always another baseball game to hold me over for next year.
Great review.

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