NCAA March Madness 09 News Post
NCAA Basketball 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
baseball88 @ 10/10/08 12:11 PM
How many teams can we control during a season?
I sure hope it is more than one.
I sure hope it is more than one.
Thanks for posting this. The game looks amazing, I wonder how the gameplay is.
# 3
PhantomPain @ 10/10/08 05:32 PM
game looks pretty good from first glance. Little (ok a lot) dissapointed that there is no love for Kentucky in it, but what can ya do? 
Look forward to hearing and seeing more about the game.

Look forward to hearing and seeing more about the game.
# 4
ChubbyBanana @ 10/11/08 04:49 AM
That video has caught my eye. I might have to give this game a look this year.
I wasn't a fan of the past games, was more a 2k guy, but this game could be a good purchase for me.
Thanks for the video stephensonmc.
That video has caught my eye. I might have to give this game a look this year.
I wasn't a fan of the past games, was more a 2k guy, but this game could be a good purchase for me.
Thanks for the video stephensonmc.

Considering how solid NBA LIVE is, this game is an automatic purchase for moi.
# 6
blurredvision @ 10/11/08 05:53 PM

I wasn't expecting much, but I was really impressed by the video. This game may actually be pretty good...
...although, EA's trailers usually look 95420439035 better than the actual game is.
...although, EA's trailers usually look 95420439035 better than the actual game is.
# 8
HiJumpr111 @ 10/13/08 08:16 PM
Wow! I can't believe how amazingly authentic this game looks in just this short preview.
For the brief time I saw Indiana University in the video, I honestly recognized none of their players!
For the brief time I saw Indiana University in the video, I honestly recognized none of their players!
It looks good. As does nearly all of EA trailers for their sports games.
The big question is....will it play as good as the trailer looks?
I'll check out the demo and take it from there.
Thanks for posting.
The big question is....will it play as good as the trailer looks?
I'll check out the demo and take it from there.
Thanks for posting.
# 10
whittleboy615 @ 10/13/08 09:03 PM
EA should add in some kind of "edit player" feature where you can change each guy's appearance yourself since they're obviously too lazy and too unwilling to break the NCAA regulated ban against it!
Well, while game companies can't make players look exactly like the real life counterpart they can get their accessories, skin tone, hair, etc down pat. That is something CHoops did very well for years. Even as far back CH2K5, that had a great looking JJ Reddick and Taylor Coppenrath OOB.
The accessories I don't really care about as much, but editing a ton of players' skin tones is going to be tedious. Hopefully the editor is as improved as they claim.
Anyway, the vid looked good, hopefully there's more media in the near future.
And as for that, does IU even have a a full roster yet since everyone left or got kicked out? LOL, probably can't blame EA for that.
The accessories I don't really care about as much, but editing a ton of players' skin tones is going to be tedious. Hopefully the editor is as improved as they claim.
Anyway, the vid looked good, hopefully there's more media in the near future.
# 12
Behindshadows @ 10/14/08 03:02 PM
Only teams that are mostly accurate are Big12, ACC, Pac 10, and about 4 other major conferences. All the rest were just thrown together with the correct heights and weights etc....but a lot of their appearances were way off.
And they have never added tattoos already on the players and sometimes even the accessories wouldn't be added. With an exception to the occasional elbow pad and head band. And that's pretty much where it stop. Those were always added by us!
2K was never perfect obviously, but it was impressive.
I don't hate EA, I've said on here countless times that I'm extremely excited for NCAA 09. Every time someone has something negative to say about this series you go off on the same old tangent about the person hating and being petty regardless of how valid their concerns are.
# 15
Behindshadows @ 10/14/08 03:44 PM
These threads are turning into EA is the enemy threads, I just jump in with stuff sometimes to bring in some attention. Also they seem to be falling off the wagon, hardly any post or views. I know as much about this game as you do man, I'm just waiting to see some gameplay videos......
As far as UCONN, well one thing I noticed about those classic teams was not just the appearances on some, but instead just numbers were wrong. I think their basic player models were just that a basic few. That why they game us so much freedom on editing their appearances, even though it glitched sometimes.
But I know one thing about my comments.
I got your attention and I know I'm not the only one checking out these NCAA 09 threads.

Just making conversation broham, keeping a debate with someone who knows what he is talking about. Keeping the convo and news fresh...

# 16
HiJumpr111 @ 10/14/08 07:18 PM
Just to clarify....I wasn't bashing the game.
I was commenting on my alma mater's returning roster that consists of a mere 2 points per game. EA could nail the likenesses of every player on their roster and I STILL would not recognize them.
# 17
whittleboy615 @ 10/14/08 11:45 PM

# 18
JohnDoe8865 @ 10/15/08 08:54 AM
The trailer was a little heavy on 1 on 1 play for a college game, but I guess that is cool for a hype trailer. In the future I hope we get some more team oriented play videos and maybe show off some coaching stuff too.
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