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The NBA Live series has been around for more than a decade and has seen various highs and lows throughout it's history. Our own Steven Bartlett takes a look at the series in his article The NBA, Video Games and some Hip-Hop: The NBA Live Series.

"Look at the EA cover above. The year was 1994 when that game released. Bring back memories? These were the days of Hakeem "The Dream" and the Rockets -- a team that swept my beloved Orlando Magic powered by Shaq and Penny Hardaway. I was just a young one back then, but these were the glory days for the NBA. His Airness, fresh off 3 championships, managed to catapult the NBA to another level throughout the '80s and early '90s. The culture of hip-hop and hoops were slowly becoming intertwined, and flair, style, and grace were represented by a pair of Air Jordans and a swoosh on a shoe. The game of basketball in the United States would never be the same."

Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
NBA Live 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 PaulZweber @ 10/07/08 02:48 PM
Doesn't NBA 2k9 have an equal feature to this? To me, same features, go with gameplay. 2k9
# 2 teebee @ 10/07/08 03:23 PM
Sweet, NBA live is almost 40% as good as 2k now! Good job EA!
# 3 PaulZweber @ 10/07/08 03:35 PM
# 4 FUBLU @ 10/07/08 04:05 PM
Quote:[ Look at the EA cover above. The year was 1994 when that game released. Bring back memories? These were the days of Hakeem "The Dream" and the Rockets -- a team that swept my beloved Orlando Magic powered by Shaq and Penny Hardaway. ]

Unless I'm misunderstanding you....The Rockets were playing the Knicks in the 94 Finals (The cover of Live 95). The Rockets swept Orlando in the 95 Finals.
Not tryin 2 hate, just not sure about what I was reading.
# 5 SBartlett @ 10/07/08 04:16 PM
yea true , i was talking about the year of '95 but it encompassed the 2 year run the rockets had. thas kool though that you noticed that thanks.
# 6 ChaseB @ 10/07/08 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by FUBLU
Quote:[ Look at the EA cover above. The year was 1994 when that game released. Bring back memories? These were the days of Hakeem "The Dream" and the Rockets -- a team that swept my beloved Orlando Magic powered by Shaq and Penny Hardaway. ]

Unless I'm misunderstanding you....The Rockets were playing the Knicks in the 94 Finals (The cover of Live 95). The Rockets swept Orlando in the 95 Finals.
Not tryin 2 hate, just not sure about what I was reading.
It's confusing but Live 95 came out in 94, but the 95 finals featured Magic and Rockets.
# 7 Perrelli Black @ 01/27/09 04:39 PM
I go back as far as Lakers vs celtics with the ea sports game, when only the 16 teams that made it to the playoff were in the game...then they finally brung all 29 teams in NBA LIVE 95 it was cutting edge back then, i wish they could have NBA Live 96 for download on xbox 360 that would instantly be a hit for 90's counsol players.

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