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nice post man..that video did a great job of explaining the minute details of living rosters.
I'm still confused about unlockable moves. I thought they were going to add "new" animations, but it sounds like there are just animations already on the disk that are just waiting for someone to go off so they can use them
nice little video there explaining it for anyone who didn't know yet. Good find

Anyone know if there will be a way to keep rosters up to date automatically when you play a season?
# 6
Moses Shuttlesworth @ 10/06/08 06:50 PM
Good to polish up on my knowledge of what I thought this living roster thing was. Should make everyone's game experience nice.
# 9
seanbarkley @ 10/06/08 07:32 PM
man, with the shoe glitch fixed and this... this must be the greatest basketball game ever!!!!

This just seems like such a rushed, poor mans Live 365 that I can't even get excited about it.
I GUARANTEE that the added animations are no big deal, and 90% of us won't even notice them when they're added.
It all sounds like a PR campaign to combat Live365.
I GUARANTEE that the added animations are no big deal, and 90% of us won't even notice them when they're added.
It all sounds like a PR campaign to combat Live365.
# 11
JackTheRipper @ 10/06/08 10:35 PM
Designing games is real business people, adult stuff. None of this happens over night.
# 14
i c u cant stop me @ 10/07/08 02:24 AM
At least living rosters is free!
although I like the NBA rewind feature on live
although I like the NBA rewind feature on live
# 16
jerseyballer7 @ 10/07/08 09:04 AM
As long as they are consistent with their updates then it's all good.
# 17
PaulZweber @ 10/07/08 02:53 PM
I am more excited about "Living Rosters" than 365. EA seems to have a hard time getting features to work right, especially the first year it is in the game. I haven't had an EA game in the last few years that could track my RECORD (W-L) correctly, I sure as hell do not trust them to track the NBA correctly.
EA is already having server issues with the game, and disk errors too? I can't take my 360 sounding like my truck whenever I put in an EA game, Madden is horendous! Any other game makes no added sound, pop in Madden and I am on the freeway again!
EA is already having server issues with the game, and disk errors too? I can't take my 360 sounding like my truck whenever I put in an EA game, Madden is horendous! Any other game makes no added sound, pop in Madden and I am on the freeway again!
# 20
PaulZweber @ 10/07/08 03:04 PM
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