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The following websites below has posted the following Midnight Club: Los Angeles updates:
  • TVG: Midnight Club: Los Angeles Preview (360)

    "Similarly to MC: LA's single-player, the multiplayer options and features are less of a complete re-write of Midnight Club 3's offerings and more of a sizeable expansion on what was there before. Generally speaking, the different events can still be grouped as either races or variants of capture the flag, but the amount of variations and the range of power-ups have grown considerably in the console generation jump and upped the gameplay ante in the process."
  • Eurogamer: Midnight Club: Los Angeles Hands-On (360)

    "To be fair, it's also a little muted by the first two cars we try, both machine-tooled slabs of disciplined, all-wheel-drive Teutonic muscle. The R32 and Audi RS4 are great for feeling out the vagaries of traffic-dodging on the freeway and gently drifting around the twisting residential roads of the Hollywood Hills, but they don't do the best job of bringing Midnight Club's character to the fore."
  • 1up: Midnight Club: Los Angeles Preview (PS3)

    "Afterward, I hopped into some capture-the-flag variants, mostly in either free-for-all mode (where a flag randomly spawns in, and after a player collects and returns it to a specified spot, a new flag and drop-off point spawn) or split-base mode (traditional CTF where one flag's situated between two team bases). Flag possession simply requires a harsh, but firm, tap from one car to the next; in what is already the best moment I've had in MC: LA multiplayer, I slammed my Gallardo into another player while he was about two-and-a-half seconds away from capturing the flag. I'm pretty sure that I'll never have such an awesome interception again, so it's already in my gaming-moment scrapbook."
  • Gamespy: Midnight Club: Los Angeles Preview (360)

    "Power-ups are available in select racing modes (we noted their presence in Keepaway and Free For All Capture the Flag, but more on modes in a minute). There are a whole bunch of power-ups; in fact, we had a tough time distinguishing which were which when running into their glowing medallion icons."

Game: Midnight Club: Los AngelesReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
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