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NBA 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 2
projectskillz @ 09/26/08 07:07 PM
Best video yet thank you for bumping up the speed now it actually looks like a real nba game is going on in there.
Looks like your getting better too
Looks like your getting better too
That foul where Kirilenko hit the floor was awesome. I knew this year the game would be more physical, but that was something I haven't seen in any basketball game........ever.
thank u, thank u so freakin much...man you are making things so much easier on this wait period.
VC/2k sports fan
VC/2k sports fan
# 5
Stumbleweed @ 09/26/08 07:14 PM
Love the blocking/charging fouls and animations. That hard foul and fall that aK47 suffered made me cringe a bit when he hit the ground because it looked so realistic. Can't wait.
Redd's shot doesn't look quite right.. seems too slow -- his shot last year I thought was nearly perfect because it had that quick "catapult snap" to it like his shot does IRL... anyone else with me on that? I'm not one who nitpicks that kind of stuff though really -- another great video from Steve.
EDIT: Yeah, the Jazz player getting his hand on that alley-oop was great as well. It was a risky oop and I'm glad to see that a man in position can break those up.
Redd's shot doesn't look quite right.. seems too slow -- his shot last year I thought was nearly perfect because it had that quick "catapult snap" to it like his shot does IRL... anyone else with me on that? I'm not one who nitpicks that kind of stuff though really -- another great video from Steve.
EDIT: Yeah, the Jazz player getting his hand on that alley-oop was great as well. It was a risky oop and I'm glad to see that a man in position can break those up.
I'm really diggin' what I'm seeing! Thanks for taking the time to do this, Steve!

# 7
i c u cant stop me @ 09/26/08 07:30 PM
Great video..when andre hit the floor that looked so real..lol that one animation alone beats everyone thats in live lol. only thing is people who said that williams broke up the ally-oop he didnt touch the ball at all it was just a bad pass cause it hit the rim and bouced out like that. also can we see a video of the pistons at home i wanna hear the p.a announcer i heard somewhere that it might be the real one.
# 13
i c u cant stop me @ 09/26/08 07:51 PM
# 14
RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/26/08 07:58 PM
1. Ridnours face looked spot on
2. Glad to see that last second of the shot clock is actually a SECOND now instead of being held like it was last year in 2K8
3. I already see folks will cry when it comes to those Adjusted Layups hardly ever going in. 2K don't be suckaz like last year and give the babies that they want
But Mike Redd doesn't need to be dunking like that. Especially not in traffic. Cocking it back over his head? His dunk package will be changed day 1
# 17
blingballa333 @ 09/26/08 08:06 PM
# 18
blingballa333 @ 09/26/08 08:07 PM

There were others in the lane. Traffic doesn't mean he dunked ON someone. THere were still folks around
Point blank Mike Redd has NO BUSINESS dunking like that
Point blank Mike Redd has NO BUSINESS dunking like that
# 20
petersondagreat @ 09/26/08 08:20 PM
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