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We have just posted our Developer Diary with Erick Boenisch, Lead Feature Designer for NBA 2K9.

"Hey everyone, my name is Erick Boenisch and I am the Lead Feature Designer for the NBA 2K series. Many of you who frequent the NBA 2K forum may know me a little better as SimBaller. I’m here today to tell you about the exciting improvements we’ve made to The Association this year. The Association is taking what we are calling a AAA (triple A) approach to the mode this year. We’ve broken down each ‘A’ into a specific area of the experience that we aimed to improve this year."

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Member Comments
# 1 Bornindamecca @ 09/24/08 09:46 AM
Thanks, Steve!
# 2 ThaGenecyst @ 09/24/08 09:49 AM
You know... that read really has me interested to try Association 2.0... I haven't done a franchise or anything of the sort since.. what.. nba 2k3? lol This may be the first year I come back 2 it

Excellent read btw
# 3 falang @ 09/24/08 09:59 AM
2.0 you say? More like 2.67884!

The franchise mode is definitely going to be more than one and done like previous years (i.e. win it with Raptors on HOF and then get bored and never finish another franchise again).

Thanks for the info guys!
# 4 boomhauertjs @ 09/24/08 10:00 AM
I didn't do a franchise in 2k8 and haven't finished one season in a 2k game. Association 2.0 is going to motivate me to do that this year. Everything sounds great!
# 5 Fabric @ 09/24/08 10:07 AM
As someone who almost exclusively plays Association (that and an occasional Slam Dunk competition with friends), I'm glad to see all these improvements. Funny thing this:
Pick Origination - When you trade for another team’s draft pick, the game will now tell you what team originally owned the pick; this is vital for valuation purposes.
is what got me most from that article
# 6 Jano @ 09/24/08 10:07 AM
Yeah I haven't used franchise mode since 2K7 but, the automated task feature is something that makes me want to get back into it. I hated having to do everything for me team so that feature is great, now I can't wait to try out this years franchise mode.
# 7 t216 @ 09/24/08 10:10 AM
Awesome...thanks Steve.
# 8 CFav @ 09/24/08 10:11 AM
The ONLY thing I cared about was the financial aspect of this game...and guess what? I think I need to change my pants...
# 9 DC @ 09/24/08 10:17 AM
# Pick Origination - When you trade for another team’s draft pick, the game will now tell you what team originally owned the pick; this is vital for valuation purposes.

# Proper League Leaders - The league leaders list now uses the actual formula that the NBA uses to determine which players qualify for each statistical category.

# Customizable Contracts - The user now has complete control over the contracts in the game. If a player signs an extension after the game has shipped, you now have the tools to edit it yourself.
# 10 eko718 @ 09/24/08 10:18 AM
Great news that you can now use codes in franchise. I hope the same goes for new animations.
# 11 Onpoint17 @ 09/24/08 10:19 AM
Being able to enter codes and unlock jerseys and not have to restart your Association is more than just a little thing....this is HUGE!!!
# 12 ehh @ 09/24/08 10:23 AM
Some of these features should def help you get more invested in an Association.
# 13 elprez98 @ 09/24/08 10:24 AM
Looks like my wife is going to have to get me an early birthday present. I haven't played a full year of Association in like 3 years because it was stagnant. Now, I can go buy a used copy of CH2k8 and coach and use my association from 2k9.

Dammit, I wanted to have time to try out the new Star Wars game.
# 14 elprez98 @ 09/24/08 10:27 AM
I should've have known that they would step it up this year. Especially with no college game to work. I bet they just put the entire CH staff on NBA game to maximize their resources. This sounds like the level of improvement we'd be complaining about that would be in the college game, but not in the pro version.
# 15 Kully @ 09/24/08 10:29 AM
Great to see some of my wants made it in

Love the little things, like the codes menu, contracts, cpu trading, option years, customizable contracts......

Great news, thanks SimBaller and OS
# 16 ehh @ 09/24/08 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by elprez98
I should've have known that they would step it up this year. Especially with no college game to work. I bet they just put the entire CH staff on NBA game to maximize their resources. This sounds like the level of improvement we'd be complaining about that would be in the college game, but not in the pro version.
You could be right, Legacy mode in CHoops blew away Association mode in NBA2K8.
# 17 PlatinumJuice @ 09/24/08 10:30 AM
I wish it was Oct. 7th.... assoc. 2.0 is looking really nice. It was probably talked about in other threads;

Is player progression going to be the same as last year, or more stat oriented?
# 18 Scoop 24 @ 09/24/08 10:33 AM
some good things here. kobe better not bail on me after year 1.
# 19 XavierVE @ 09/24/08 10:44 AM
Oh. My. Goodness.

Simballer, you are my hero. Look at all those little fixes! I think my heart skipped a beat. You guys should really consider releasing the game tomorrow because uh... please?
# 20 demencia_total @ 09/24/08 10:44 AM
On the surface, it seemed like only the menus and the interface had changed in the Association, but it is truly about "The Little Things" as SimBaller puts it. Hopefully they fixed the problem where every team is over the cap and unable to sign free agents after a few seasons. This sounds incredibly promising, kudos to 2k.

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