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NBA 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
jewelz1132 @ 09/20/08 08:42 AM
its not really a big issue because I've cut ties with Allen Iverson lol..but not having the home/away colors with accessories kinda pisses me off
Thanks Steve. Can you consider some love for the Blazers in the next round? I would love to view a pic of Rudy Fernandez if possible.
Thanks Steve......
Bosh looks great 2K9, they finally got the dreads on him.
Bosh looks great 2K9, they finally got the dreads on him.
# 9
ZephyrSong @ 09/21/08 03:03 AM
first of all, thanks Steve. very nice shots you gave us.. thanks for uploading all the pics and vids you can.. kudos man!
# 10
jewelz1132 @ 09/21/08 08:36 AM
# 11
warnerwlf98 @ 09/21/08 09:37 AM
I love the fact that coach's clipboard made it into NBA from CHoops. One of those coach's clipboard screens highlights the new matchups - where you can make set players to guard opposing players instead of positions guarding positions. DC would be happy.
Does anyone know if Steve plans on releasing any screens or vids from Association 2.0?
# 13
boybetterknow32 @ 09/22/08 10:58 PM
thanks steve for the pics, could you possibly post one of delonte west? im curious to see if they have all his tattoos in the game this year
That stinks about the apparent non home/away accessories too...
Oh well. Thanks for the pics Steve!
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