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Da_Czar checks in with NBA Live 09 - Czarisode 2, let us know what you think!

Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
NBA Live 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Da_Czar @ 09/19/08 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by tril
Not used to the NBA LIVE series. I have a few questions, maybe some of you all can answer this question.
Since the dribbling/handling of the ball seems so intuitive, is fatigue factored into handling the ball. Seems like if someone dribbles the rock as fast as some of the animations, the player would get fatigued quicker.
it would be great if it did. I can't say for sure though trill !!!
# 22 CzarJr @ 09/19/08 05:38 PM
Waz Up Czar, This is CzarJr. Great vid man
# 23 Da_Czar @ 09/19/08 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by CzarJr
Waz Up Czar, This is CzarJr. Great vid man
Whatup SON !!!!
# 24 23 @ 09/19/08 06:10 PM
LOL, what in the world

I guess your fame is starting to blossom
# 25 Da_Czar @ 09/19/08 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
LOL, what in the world

I guess your fame is starting to blossom
nah that's really my Son he did the logo for the czarisodes... I told yall Mrs Czar is in here too.. On the low though.. Its a family affair with the Czar household LOL
# 26 kwas676 @ 09/19/08 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
nah that's really my Son he did the logo for the czarisodes... I told yall Mrs Czar is in here too.. On the low though.. Its a family affair with the Czar household LOL
lol thats some funny sht but cool
# 27 ml9 @ 09/19/08 06:47 PM
Da_Czar - To echo Marcus' comments, our whole team is definitely blown away with these vids. Unbelievable job! When the play calling vid was posted everyone was watching it non-stop and the guys who worked on it were amazed at how you broke everything down so well. And now with the first look at our quickstrike stuff, you've impressed us again. Matt
# 28 Stumbleweed @ 09/19/08 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by ml9
Da_Czar - To echo Marcus' comments, our whole team is definitely blown away with these vids. Unbelievable job! When the play calling vid was posted everyone was watching it non-stop and the guys who worked on it were amazed at how you broke everything down so well. And now with the first look at our quickstrike stuff, you've impressed us again. Matt
THEN PAY THE MAN!! Hah.. j/k.

It's nice to get 'e-daps' from developers of the game though, I'm sure. There's so much great community stuff that gets created, it would be nice for the developers to reward that much like 2K did with MomentousCeltic and his videos. Some incredibly talented, witty, and knowledgeable people are doing a lot of work for free that would go a long way towards promoting these games and/or making them more accessible. Great stuff.
# 29 23 @ 09/19/08 07:37 PM
Agreed Stumble.. but not anybody in particular... Czar earned the opportunity if its ever presented.

It took him two weeks and he broke down playcalling and the dribbling system... That's pretty great if you ask me!

I'm his road manager... Someone Hire this man! His dedication, passion, bball knowledge , creativity and for the fact that he's one of us would go a long way.

Imagine this one one of their commercials but taylored really nicely. Im sure EA could find some NBA footage to match some of this stuff he's making up that would make all of us double take.

BTW, Czar Jr? ... Respect to the Mrs and welcome Czar family.

We aren't all nuts, just seems like it at times...lol
# 30 bigeastbumrush @ 09/19/08 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
nah that's really my Son

Great vids man. I should say tutorials because they really help.

EA...get on your job and bring this man in for some knowledge!
# 31 23 @ 09/19/08 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush

Great vids man. I should say tutorials because they really help.

EA...get on your job and bring this man in for some knowledge!


Czar's Road Manager

# 32 Da_Czar @ 09/19/08 08:53 PM
Matt and Marcus I am humbled and appreciate the digital dap. To my familiy at OS bigging up your man. You guys are too much.. Got love for you.. stop it... no really stop it.... no please

keep it up !!!! LOLOLOL OS is the best !!!
# 33 23bluesman @ 09/19/08 10:13 PM
Thanks for the vid man, and I'm eagerly anticipating the next one!

For me, the best way to practice these moves apart from the gym is to go ahead in-game and turn the shot clock off. You'll have 4 minutes of just messing around with your player (then just rematch again and again, lol). You can get a good feel of how and when certain QSA animations occur, how long it occurs and when you can branch out of them.

Start with the basics, just like in Da_Czar's video. Then after doing a move with the right stick, branch out of it by going left or right, and see the animation that kicks in when you come into contact with the defender. Don't try to branch out of the animation yet, just let it finish, so that you can get a good feel of what the players do when you are not agressive with the drive. More often than not the defender will be able to break your drive, which ends with your player getting bumped and taking a dribble behind his back, then you're back to square one. The next step is to make that drive again, but this time branch out of it by crossing over to the other direction mid-drive. See the animation that kicks in.

After doing the basics try it all again, this time while holding the R2 (QSA trigger) button.

To get a good feel of how the QSA (and I guess basically the flow of the game) works, you really need to understand the animations in Live - what happens when you let it play out and what happens when you branch out of them. This will undoubtedly lessen the feelings of "Hey, I didn't do that, why did he dribble behind his back?, etc".

I agree with some of the "saves" that you mentioned Czar, they may have been a bit overdone. I'm ok with switching hands to avoid the steal, but sometimes your player even goes ahead and moves toward the basket automatically. I especially remember a "save" that occured when Pierce was bodying up Odom - Pierce tried to swipe the ball away, but Odom automatically spun and drove towards the basket, leaving Pierce behind his trails. While it looked beautiful, it wasn't necessarily what I was planning to do, and it disrupted the flow of my offense.

So turn that shot clock off and experiment guys! I'm sure there are still some moves and animations waiting to be discovered. (when your defender bodies up on you you, try flicking the right stick).

I still haven't gotten the hang of QSA especially when in motion and in contact. I'm sure Czarisode 3 will help me with that!
# 34 slvicick @ 09/19/08 10:49 PM
Great vid as always. Not too much I could say that hasn't been said already.
# 35 RubenDouglas @ 09/21/08 02:41 AM
thats quite a vast system. i know you can also do a half spin. incorporate that into the other combos and its variation of crossovers for days.

good stuff as always. ill miss your CH work
# 36 freecss @ 09/21/08 02:48 AM
I signed up just so I can say thank you. This year is going to be really tough to decide which NBA game to buy. I was always a Live fan but got 2K8 last year because Live didn't play good last year. Neways, this year, Live looks like they put in a lot of work and the game play and the play calling looks amazing. I just finished watching both your videos and it taught me so much. EA needs someone like you to break down the game. Just wanted to say, keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to more videos.
# 37 poster @ 09/21/08 02:48 AM
Great vids Czar! This will help out alot, and I look forward to the next one.
# 38 PuntNL @ 09/21/08 06:32 AM
Compliments on this tutorial ... great work...

Da_Czar... which game you'll play this year... Live? 2K? or both??
# 39 bigeastbumrush @ 09/21/08 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by freecss
I signed up just so I can say thank you.
Wow. That's huge Czar.
# 40 Da_Czar @ 09/21/08 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by freecss
I signed up just so I can say thank you. This year is going to be really tough to decide which NBA game to buy. I was always a Live fan but got 2K8 last year because Live didn't play good last year. Neways, this year, Live looks like they put in a lot of work and the game play and the play calling looks amazing. I just finished watching both your videos and it taught me so much. EA needs someone like you to break down the game. Just wanted to say, keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to more videos.
Hey man thanks a lot. To everone else as well. Nothings worse than putting something out there and getting crickets....LOL

Its very much appreciated !!!

23 bluesman that is a GREAT idea as far as turning off the shot clock and getting hands on practice... Love that.


Honestly its been so long since I have WANTED to play both games... I don't know what I will do. I have purchased the last few used because I need to know what they are doing so I'm not talking out of my butt when I declare one game as the best.

Last few years have been painful with live. I am honestly impressed that they put some real depth in the series this year I can only hope they continue that.

I think they are finally seeing the value in adding sim elements we have to let em know we like it and we want more. you guys response to the vids has to be encouraging to the guys who are fighting to add stuff like this when pr is like yeah but we want more dunks ... LOL

I want a reason to go into practice mode. I want to feel like my years of hoops experience give me an advantage when playing and so far in the demo I get that feeling.

One thing I love is rewind. Just loading up the different rosters and seeing the shift in the opposing teams mentality is a LOT of fun.

I won't know how improved the game is though until and can put the final version through its paces. But I am looking forward to seeing what all it can do.

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