NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

Looks like we can't play NCAA Basketball 09 online with named rosters.

"Now comes news via attendees of the recent community event such as Chris Jacobs of NCAA Strategies and Shawn Drotar of 5WG that despite allowing named rosters to be shared through the EA Locker those rosters won’t carry over into online play. This is a departure from what has been the case in the past and continues to be with NCAA Football. It is especially perplexing given that the last two years March Madness has gone as far as basically providing a roster update at tournament time which was unprecedented for a college game and also was the first to allow sharing of rosters from user to user in 07. It gave the sense that there was some more leniency on the basketball side compared to the football side. Whether this was an NCAA mandated move or just something they couldn’t get to work for some reason is unknown."

Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 boomhauertjs @ 09/18/08 08:20 AM
Love live College Hoops 2k8!!!
# 2 Ghettoshark @ 09/18/08 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
Love live College Hoops 2k8!!!
Amen. Here's to CH2K10
# 3 Geneseo98 @ 09/19/08 06:18 PM
I gotta admit, no online dynasty or season feature really hamped my excitement for this game... I was reading teh changes they are putting into it, but I'm almost BEYOND normal dynasties at this point after seeing how much fun I'm having with NCAA Football this season.
# 4 JohnDoe8865 @ 09/19/08 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Geneseo98
I gotta admit, no online dynasty or season feature really hamped my excitement for this game... I was reading teh changes they are putting into it, but I'm almost BEYOND normal dynasties at this point after seeing how much fun I'm having with NCAA Football this season.
This game is STILL being treated like the "red-headed stepchild" of EA Sports. After putting named rosters in the NCAA Football series online, and having online freakin' dynasty in NCAA Football 09, there is not really any excuse for not having either in NCAA Basketball 09. College Basketball is one of the most recognized, popular, fan driven sports in the USA and EA just doesn't seem to get it.

The argument that the game doesn't sell enough to warrant the kind of effort that NCAA Football gets is hogwash too. If MORE effort were put into the game, then more people would buy it. I can see why they quit calling it March Madness, because the game has the stigma, and rightfully so, as being a subpar series.

I know there are supposedly a lot of improvements in the game this year, but the news right now has me looking forward to updated roster for CH 2K8.
# 5 dj542 @ 09/21/08 04:48 AM
No named rosters online NOW IM REALLY NOT BUYING THIS GAME
ea just needs to stick to football games leave basketball games to 2k sports
# 6 Cusefan @ 09/21/08 02:10 PM
Yea i cant see myself buying this game. Maybe a rental but def. not a buy
# 7 blaza @ 09/23/08 09:34 AM
Wow, I LOVED CH2k8, but I had finally accepted reality (that it wasn't coming back) and planned on buying NCAA 2009. No name rosters online is an absolute dealbreaker though. No chance I pay for this crap. WTF EA?
# 8 DC @ 09/30/08 02:40 PM
Why is this game even alive?
# 9 aenggeorge @ 09/30/08 06:46 PM
somebody shoulda suggested naming roster for online dynasties and play in the first palce!!!
# 10 Pared @ 10/05/08 11:38 AM
Seals the deal for me.

Being the ONLY (new) college b-ball game online that is completely unacceptable.
# 11 Brandwin @ 10/14/08 11:36 PM
# 12 03MstGT290 @ 10/19/08 04:44 PM
I do not care about online, and I play the seasons offline. That's it.

Looking forward to this game!
# 13 RoyalBoyle78 @ 10/20/08 05:31 PM
game wasn't even a thought for me.
# 14 ELDoro @ 10/24/08 05:32 AM
Definately not buying this crap now, sticking with the best College BBall game ever! CH2k8!
# 15 Behindshadows @ 10/24/08 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by ELDoro
Definately not buying this crap now, sticking with the best College BBall game ever! CH2k8!
Sadly enough they didn't have this feature in MM08 either. But honestly it didn't effect online play, I knew who my players were and that was enough.

As frustrating as that is, not many of us play online anyway, there is a bigger chance you'll be playing offline more. Because they have so much added this season.

Give them a break they can't do everything right in it's first few years of development.

So far all the 09 titles have come out pretty good even with flaws, I don't see this game being any different.

No online names whooptie doooo! How will it play online, smooth servers, nice online menu setups, etc. These are important things, not some crap about names usage..

Be patient and non judgmental! Lets see what they offer us as a full package before kicking it to the curve over 1 thing.
# 16 Pared @ 10/24/08 10:17 AM
In your apologetic post for this omission, you fail to realize that MANY guys buy their games solely to play online.

It has been the cause of so much backlash for NBA 2k9 as of late. And that's completely understandable. There is simply no excuse to have as many issues as they do.

At this point, I barely play any of these sports titles within a dynasty. Playing with friends online has a HUGE appeal... if done right. When NCAA Football did not have the player names online, the title had a very short shelf-life for me... and I'm sure this will be no different.

Being the only NCAA Basketball game in town this year... there is simply no excuse not to make something like this a priority. This isn't the first year of NCAA on the new consoles so the "cut them some slack" excuse doesn't fly.
# 17 Behindshadows @ 10/24/08 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
In your apologetic post for this omission, you fail to realize that MANY guys buy their games solely to play online.

It has been the cause of so much backlash for NBA 2k9 as of late. And that's completely understandable. There is simply no excuse to have as many issues as they do.

At this point, I barely play any of these sports titles within a dynasty. Playing with friends online has a HUGE appeal... if done right. When NCAA Football did not have the player names online, the title had a very short shelf-life for me... and I'm sure this will be no different.

Being the only NCAA Basketball game in town this year... there is simply no excuse not to make something like this a priority. This isn't the first year of NCAA on the new consoles so the "cut them some slack" excuse doesn't fly.
Well look at from this standpoint, I played College Hoops 2k8 online a few weeks ago with my updated rosters. And guess what it changed my lineups and took a few of the players I had off the roster just for online play.

So again, it doesn't really matter, especially if your opponent isn't using the same identical rosters. The only servers will alter either way.

I play a few games last year of March Madness 08. Even on those special event nights where you played the developers. (and I won both times - Sorry Joe, yeah I'm bragging) lol!

But without the names it didn't effect the fun factor. Game was still great against people. that's all I'm saying, a few names online shouldn't be a game killer. And comparing to NCAA Football is irrelevant, they have a regular dev team who has been tweaking this option for years and years.

The devs on NCAA BB. Only worked on MM08 and NCAA BB 09. Barely two years. They'll get it right.
# 18 Brandwin @ 10/24/08 11:09 AM
Dissappointed this feature isn't in, but it's not going to make me not want the game. If it's solid (and since it's the only College BBall game on the market and I don't watch the NBA) I will probably buy it.
# 19 Pared @ 10/24/08 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Well look at from this standpoint, I played College Hoops 2k8 online a few weeks ago with my updated rosters. And guess what it changed my lineups and took a few of the players I had off the roster just for online play.

So again, it doesn't really matter, especially if your opponent isn't using the same identical rosters. The only servers will alter either way.

I play a few games last year of March Madness 08. Even on those special event nights where you played the developers. (and I won both times - Sorry Joe, yeah I'm bragging) lol!

But without the names it didn't effect the fun factor. Game was still great against people. that's all I'm saying, a few names online shouldn't be a game killer. And comparing to NCAA Football is irrelevant, they have a regular dev team who has been tweaking this option for years and years.

The devs on NCAA BB. Only worked on MM08 and NCAA BB 09. Barely two years. They'll get it right.
Again, apologetic in nature and making excuses for them. That's the same reason why Madden is completely terrible and NCAA Football is a snooze-fest. "It's ok... there's always next year."

I think it's quite humorous you would say comparing this to the same exact thing happening in NCAA Football is irrelevant. They have the code, they have the ability to do it; They just decided it's not a priority this year.

And making claims that your created players were removed from your online roster is a very short-sided, since the feature works with the rosters you need to play online for CHoops. You can't even say that much here, so please stop comparing apples and oranges.

All you're doing is making excuses for them. With the large focus of online play in EVERY EA Sports title this year, this is a ridiculous omission.
# 20 Behindshadows @ 10/24/08 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Again, apologetic in nature and making excuses for them. That's the same reason why Madden is completely terrible and NCAA Football is a snooze-fest. "It's ok... there's always next year."

I think it's quite humorous you would say comparing this to the same exact thing happening in NCAA Football is irrelevant. They have the code, they have the ability to do it; They just decided it's not a priority this year.

And making claims that your created players were removed from your online roster is a very short-sided, since the feature works with the rosters you need to play online for CHoops. You can't even say that much here, so please stop comparing apples and oranges.

All you're doing is making excuses for them. With the large focus of online play in EVERY EA Sports title this year, this is a ridiculous omission.
Now Pared you've know my respects for 2ksports over the past 4 1/2 years. And I've made just as many excuses for them on every game they've released that had issues. 2k8 season I got frustrated and I went bad on them.

For the past 1 and 1/2 I've been giving EA the benefit of the doubt. Because I see new devs making an effort. But they do keep short changing us in a sense. I still see the primary efforts.

I'm just for once trying to give perspective. I'm not making excuses for them, honestly I just see it as a (what can we honestly do about it) not buy it will only stop me from enjoying a college game this season. Even though I'm up****** rosters for College Hoops 2k8. I hate 2k8's graphic player models and now with the fact of the moved 3 point line, the lack of up****** the schedules on 2k8, etc. And not being able to up my rosters on 2kshare is making me hate the game even more.

At least with NCAA BB 09 I have something to work with fresh, with the graphics and gameplay I expect. Again its not excuses, its just not crying over spilled milk...I hate 2k8's graphics too death! But it wasn't a game killer and I still played it a lot.

Same respects I'm giving this game with the lack of online naming.

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