Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 News Post

Kotaku and Worthplaying have posted the following Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 updates:
  • PES 2009: If Only Watching Real Soccer Was This Fun (Kotaku)

    "If I decide to sprint with the ball, I leave myself open to defenders having a much easier time stealing it from me. Likewise on defense, I can choose to try and slide on the ground to kick the ball off an oncoming attacking player's foot, but I run the risk of potentially tackling him at the legs and getting carded. There was just this sense of strategy I've never caught in a sports game before. Like every time the ball was moving up field, it would turn into all these mini chess matches to see who makes the first move."
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Screenshots (Worthplaying)

Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2009Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
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