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We have posted our review of NHL 09.

"Last year, EA’s NHL 08 took home seven “sports game of the year” awards. In fact, I'm sure you picked up on that tidbit of information somewhere along the way because it has continuously been shoved down gamers' throats. (It's even on the NHL 09 box art this year!) But after such a well-revered title, how did EA Canada take it to the next level?

During the early portion of this console life cycle, EA found a formula for fun and fantastic looking hockey. The NHL series was the one franchise the company completely turned around and revived during the beginning part of the "next generation."

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Game: NHL 09Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 47 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 swanny5489 @ 09/16/08 11:41 AM
the goalies do the splits wayy too much, i proly see a goalie do the splits once every 10 games in real life, not every 10 minutes. they should have celebrations after the goals, and have the player continue skating around the boards, not just magically stop after a goal. u should b able to control the speed of passes, a 5 foot pass shouldnt have the same giddy-up as a goaline to center ice breakout pass. the font is so small on every screen and the color tones make it even more troublesome to read. everything else is superb
# 2 StormJH1 @ 09/16/08 02:58 PM
Fair point on the goalie animations...every goalie in the game plays like they're Marc-Andre Fleury, which kinda impedes your ability to suspend disbelief. But even though it looks a little unrealistic, I think the goaltending is better this year because goalies actually behave like they're on ice this year. In other words, if said goalie lunges across the crease, and the puck gets sent back to where it came from, the goalie will actually have to deal with momentum, so they'll have difficulty getting back. Last year, it was pretty easy to dominate shot totals, but '08 wasn't "easy" per se b/c shots missed the net all the time and goalies were superhuman. '09 has a better balance--goalies are more human, but the defense has been given more tools and ways to stop you, other than simply putting you on your butt.
# 3 asu666 @ 09/16/08 03:13 PM
I love the fact that the sim scores are 3 to 2 type games. In the past they have been too high to compensate for user controlled teams regularly coming up with unrealistic results. EA removed the Finance tab from the Franchise mode too. I was hoping to see them blow that aspect out, not remove it from the game. Anyway, the action on the ice is as solid as ever.
# 4 RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/16/08 05:10 PM
I didn't see you talk about the lack of atmosphere and penalties . WHy?
# 5 BleacherCreature @ 09/16/08 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Timmay
I already do - and I've only had it for a week. Kind of wish I'd saved my money to go towards Fable 2 instead.
I'm starting to wish you did that too. That way we wouldn't have to hear how much you hate the game in every thread.
# 6 tyler289 @ 09/16/08 06:13 PM
The nitpicking some people do is ridiculous. This game is easily the best hockey game I've ever played the EASHL is a blast. I haven't even started a dynasty yet because I just don't know how I will have time.
# 7 mgoblue @ 09/16/08 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by aBiNeR
I played an EASHL game last night for the first time. It was awesome fun. However, I don't have the time to be playing league games all week long where I have to depend on other people and schedule games in advance.

So for the players that don't play the EASHL, what are we left with? Diminishing quality of legacy features. Is it so horrible for older players like myself to point this out? You people act like I've done this every year since 1991...and that's where you are dead wrong. It all started this past May.
I don't know exactly what you mean...I'm on the WNR NHL 09 EASHL team and I've just been playing random games with them online...I haven't had to plan things, be in scheduled league games, etc.

I'm the same way, I don't really have the dedicated time to play league games, but I've hopped online with those guys and just had fun.

Offline I enjoy the Be A Pro mode, I haven't touched the regular game.

I understand your legacy issues, I just don't think the lack of controller customization, classic control edits, shift+ modifier, are the end of the world. That's just me though, and I think we just vastly disagree in our opinions on things (like Battle.net, etc).
# 8 tyler289 @ 09/16/08 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by aBiNeR
I played an EASHL game last night for the first time. It was awesome fun. However, I don't have the time to be playing league games all week long where I have to depend on other people and schedule games in advance.
There is no scheduling required. You just go to the dressing room and see if anyone is there. The team I'm on has ~30 people, so chances are I'll get a game if I got after 5.
# 9 OddyOh @ 09/16/08 07:52 PM
Nice review, mirrors most of my thoughts. I hope they clean up the chugging frame rate in the cut scenes, and bring out the patch for Custom Music on the PS3, a glaring omission.
# 10 ChubbyBanana @ 09/16/08 08:15 PM
Nice review. The only real issues I have with the game is not being able to find enough time to play it with recent life issues.

Hopefully I'll get around to it by christmas time.
# 11 tyler289 @ 09/16/08 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by aBiNeR
So you're saying Tyler that no matter what time of day I'm on, I will NEVER be in a situation where I won't be able to field a team of 6 for EASHL play? You're SURE about that now?

No guarantees. But you only need 2 people from the team to play and if you're on a team with people you know well, then you can find time to play together.
# 12 Bahnzo @ 09/16/08 10:09 PM
My two biggest complaints are the controls (which the review mentions)...not being able to have true custom controls is a big minus, not to mention when playing online having the "shoot" control also being the "check" control doesn't work well at all. When playing BAP it's maddening when you are trying to shoot a loose puck and instead are stuck either checking or poke checking. Needs to be fixed, hopefully in a patch.

I also think the stick lift is a bit too powerful. It needs to be toned down a little...as it is now it's too much reward vs not much risk.
# 13 bukktown @ 09/16/08 10:09 PM
Great Game! Spot on review. I would give it a 10 though. There is really like 3 different games on this disc. All of them are great.
# 14 i c u cant stop me @ 09/16/08 11:00 PM
Something really cool i seen today was when playing be a pro offline i was in a game and play was stoped when there was an offsides called and they showed a cutsence of the crowd doing the wave! it was awsome looking
# 15 Spanky @ 09/17/08 01:06 AM
9 sounds about right. Really fun and immersive game, just like 08, the big difference being there's less perfect plays, more sloppiness (which is good), passes and shots that miss the mark, turnovers, etc., which makes it more challenging. The addition of throwback jerseys is fantastic, for graphic hos and hockey history buffs alike.

This game is so visually impressive, this is really the first game I've played that feels like it's taken advantage of the 360's power.

Naturally, it's not perfect (need more penalties and sliders for better customization), but it's about as good as it gets.

I'd give it a 10 if you had the ability to play any game in franchise mode (like NBA 2k9, NCAA Football and Madden). I hate being restricted to one team, I like playing a variety of teams.
# 16 clivo1050 @ 09/17/08 01:20 AM
You could play with a random team in the EAHL by going to community and then OTP (ranked OTP).

So, yes you can always play with a club team as your be a pro character online. I just realized this the other day, great feature.
# 17 Ruffy @ 09/17/08 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by tgalv
then just play the friggin BAP pickup games. your complaining is ridiculous and tiresome. i feel like stabbing my eyes out every time i read your posts.
I agree...i dont mind crticism of games...but man the tone of your writings is soo condensending it makes me puke....

Enough already we know NHL sucks we know its no shift modifer .net Wow 5 guild man 9er 7 thinger....(sarcasm).

This game is the best NHL game I've played since the days of the Sega Genisis.

Played 08 online exclusively over 500 play now games....09 at this rate I may double it!
# 18 Ruffy @ 09/17/08 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Spanky
9 sounds about right.

Naturally, it's not perfect (need more penalties and sliders for better customization), but it's about as good as it gets.

I'd give it a 10 if you had the ability to play any game in franchise mode (like NBA 2k9, NCAA Football and Madden). I hate being restricted to one team, I like playing a variety of teams.
All great points and I agree with the 9 rating too...fun factor is a 10 for me. This year I have the ability to beat the online cheese that i sometimes encounter in the play now games.

I cant wait for all EA games to follow NCAA's online dynasty feature.

Bring back playoffs and a season mode as well as being able to control all 30 teams and we have a weiner!
# 19 bigwill33 @ 09/17/08 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo
My two biggest complaints are the controls (which the review mentions)...not being able to have true custom controls is a big minus, not to mention when playing online having the "shoot" control also being the "check" control doesn't work well at all. When playing BAP it's maddening when you are trying to shoot a loose puck and instead are stuck either checking or poke checking. Needs to be fixed, hopefully in a patch.

I also think the stick lift is a bit too powerful. It needs to be toned down a little...as it is now it's too much reward vs not much risk.
Totally agree on both accounts.
# 20 Ruffy @ 09/17/08 01:39 AM
The stick lift and being able to catch and molest guys on breakaways is a bit too easy online at least...also id like to see Interference called better online...alot of online cheesers try and hit you on a chase to a loose puck which is a penalty...

Small complaints on a great game though....the 9 seems on point...and I'm surprised Im back loving EA hocey games again after pretty much leaving the series since the days of sega!

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