News Post

IGN and Gamespot has posted the following FIFA 09 updates:
  • IGN: FIFA Soccer 09 Interview (DS)

    IGN: "So last year's FIFA game on the DS had a large emphasis on the ability to play online with anyone in the world. Has that idea been expanded or refined in any way for FIFA Soccer 09?"

    Russell Cho: "With the changes made this year to the game, we wanted to bring the same experience to more people across the globe. After all, football is the most well known international sport. This year, FIFA fans will be able to compete with players from not only North America and Europe, but Asia as well."
  • IGN: Screenshots (DS)
  • Gamespot: FIFA 09 Updated Hands-On: 10-versus-10 Online (360)

    "For our 10-versus-10 match, we chose right midfielder, a position that offers a chance to see a bit of offensive and defensive play (and, due to our relative lack of experience, little chance of screwing the pooch for our Arsenal teammates). One crucial difference between FIFA 09 and NHL 09's Be a Pro mode is that you can only play as a real-life player in 10-versus-10 matches--no using a created player in his stead."
  • Gamespot: Screenshots (Wii)

Game: FIFA Soccer 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
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