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IGN has posted their in-depth hands on preview of FIFA 09.

"So after the successes of FIFA 08, 09's version struts to the pitch with a surer sense of its place on the market, building upon its forebears in a game that's shaping up to be the definitive take on the sport. It's still a case of baby steps, but this time around they're working towards a direction that's been clearly defined, and are building upon what was already an impressive and comprehensive package."

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Game: FIFA Soccer 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 wurstman3000 @ 08/29/08 05:14 PM
You know, I can't stand this talk about FIFA finally surpassing PES anymore. Every year it's the same. All the hype for the game, people getting flown to exclusive events and then this talk about the coming FIFA reign. And then I play the demo, later maybe a friends full-game and am surprised, that anyone can find it better in any way. Sure there are flaws in the PES series and there are a lot of things that EA does a good job with, but when the match starts, it just doesn't feel as good as PES.
Still, I'll check it out, but I don't expect much.
# 2 sportsdude @ 08/29/08 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by wurstman3000
You know, I can't stand this talk about FIFA finally surpassing PES anymore. Every year it's the same. All the hype for the game, people getting flown to exclusive events and then this talk about the coming FIFA reign. And then I play the demo, later maybe a friends full-game and am surprised, that anyone can find it better in any way. Sure there are flaws in the PES series and there are a lot of things that EA does a good job with, but when the match starts, it just doesn't feel as good as PES.
Still, I'll check it out, but I don't expect much.
But that's your opinion. There are those on this board that agree with you while there are others that feel FIFA is the better game. The topic has been beaten to death and to be honest, I don't know why so many people feel the need to "crown" the best game. Who cares? I'm just glad the competition of the genre pushes each game each year to improve. I wish it were that way for some other sports titles...
# 3 wurstman3000 @ 08/29/08 05:58 PM
Totally agree with you.
# 4 kerosene31 @ 08/29/08 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by wurstman3000
Every year it's the same. All the hype for the game, people getting flown to exclusive events and then this talk about the coming FIFA reign.
This does sound like yet another EA fluff piece. Two pages of nothing except talking about the physical contact improvements.

Nothing about passing or shooting, other than how there will be no more "wayward" passes? I guess 95% pass accuracy wasn't good enough for IGN

This post is nothing against Fifa or any other game. Usually IGN is pretty decent with their soccer opinions, but this article says how great it is without ever saying what makes it great?
# 5 Peji911 @ 08/29/08 11:10 PM
I'm in the same boat. EA knows how to market and that's the bottom line. If anyone played the PC version of PES last year, I DARE you to say anything FIFA has ever published is better.

It's funny that on OS or other American forums, FIFA is praised, but on any UK, Canadian, Australia, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Brasilian.... (shall I go on?) forums, everyone hates it.

FIFA markets their products and then it gets sooo overhyped people look for the good and ignore the bad. Same thing with Madden. This was supposed to be the year and for the last 6 months, everyone said it was going to be great. Then 2 weeks after release, all the flaws come out. BUT, instead of saying how crappy it is, someone starts a '2010 wishlist'.

This is getting ridiculous. I dont care what game you prefer, but if it's good, say it's good. If it's bad, have the guts to say it's bad. That's all I ask.

I'm just sick of paying 70$ every year for a POS where they improve one factor, but ruin two others.

So here's to both games being GREAT and the soccer forums, peaceful.
# 6 wurstman3000 @ 08/30/08 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Peji911
It's funny that on OS or other American forums, FIFA is praised, but on any UK, Canadian, Australia, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Brasilian.... (shall I go on?) forums, everyone hates it.
Ha, I observed that, too. But the worldwide FIFA-fan-base seems to grow, though. In the past the American interest in FIFA reminded me of some reviews in German magazines for Madden games years ago: The general audience were not that informed about the sport itself. The reviews were loaded with the companys marketing lines and enriched with American Football expert knowledge. They typically scored very high.
# 7 Spanky @ 08/30/08 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by wurstman3000
But the worldwide FIFA-fan-base seems to grow, though.
Probably because of people like me. I'm not a hardcore soccer guy by any means. I just want a game that plays good and looks good. I'm an unabashed graphics ho, I want my games to be pretty. Fifa is prettier than the other title. So as long as Fifa plays a decent enough game -- without any significant flaws -- I don't care if the other title is better game-play wise. I'll take the better-looking game with more licenses.

Oddly enough, I have the same view when it comes to women.
# 8 wurstman3000 @ 08/30/08 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Spanky
I'll take the better-looking game with more licenses.

Oddly enough, I have the same view when it comes to women.
As with games, it's a matter of taste. It'd be useful if she had a driving licence, but that's not a excluding factor to me. But if she had a firearms licence, I doubt we had much in common.

As sportsdude pointed out, it's a subjective thing, nothing wrong with that. It's a positive, if companies are pushed through competition to improve their products. But I just don't like it, if one tries to compete by grabbing exclusives. A friend of mine only buys FIFA because his club is only there from the start. He sees the gameplay as inferior but not so much to hold him back. And to be honest, the first thing I do after purchasing PES (PC) is checking how far the progress is for Bundesliga patches.
After some weeks, we only play PES.
# 9 ofdman @ 08/30/08 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Peji911
I'm in the same boat. EA knows how to market and that's the bottom line. If anyone played the PC version of PES last year, I DARE you to say anything FIFA has ever published is better.

It's funny that on OS or other American forums, FIFA is praised, but on any UK, Canadian, Australia, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Brasilian.... (shall I go on?) forums, everyone hates it.

FIFA markets their products and then it gets sooo overhyped people look for the good and ignore the bad. Same thing with Madden. This was supposed to be the year and for the last 6 months, everyone said it was going to be great. Then 2 weeks after release, all the flaws come out. BUT, instead of saying how crappy it is, someone starts a '2010 wishlist'.

This is getting ridiculous. I dont care what game you prefer, but if it's good, say it's good. If it's bad, have the guts to say it's bad. That's all I ask.

I'm just sick of paying 70$ every year for a POS where they improve one factor, but ruin two others.

So here's to both games being GREAT and the soccer forums, peaceful.
I could NOT have said it better myself! EA does exactly that! One step forwards, two steps (at least) back. Every friggin' year it is the SAME THING!

However, to be fair, I like the new HC 09 and Madden on the Wii is not that bad. IMO it is better than the other versions. Also, Tiger Woods seems to be improved quite a bit. I have Madden for the 360 and don't care for it that much but like it on the Wii and I have TW09 for the 360 and love it and ALSO just bought the Wii version but have yet to try it out so... we shall see.

Damn, for someone who hates EA I sure am buying a lot of their games LOL! And even the same TITLES! Just for different consoles : )

Silly ofdman.

Guess I am part of the problem huh?!

Oh well, I am the eternal optimist. Or, huge sucker
# 10 Peji911 @ 08/30/08 08:50 PM

I was just going to say that but you beat me to it. Yes, you are part of the problem, lol. I have done that in the past, where I bought a game, didnt like it and sold it. Then I'd be like, "well, I need ________ (insert sport here) in my life so I'll buy it again". But yes, the capitalist society exploits gamers since gimmicks and hardcore marketing make us believe we want something, even when we know it's not that great.

Yes, Madden on the wii is pretty good. My enthusiasm for it has declined, however.
# 11 Qb @ 08/31/08 01:24 PM
I respect your opinions, guys, but they really don't have much (if anything) to do with this thread. Thanks...

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