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Check out the NBA Live 09 quickstrike and lockdown video and screenshots.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
NBA Live 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 lamoyou401 @ 08/28/08 10:02 PM
I don't get it one day I hate Live the next day I love it
# 22 RubenDouglas @ 08/28/08 10:06 PM
graphically its looking very nice. colors are crisp and just has a great NEXT gen feel. 2k can learn alot from that aspect imo. it really puts the game over past that nextgen hump.

one question, why was curry guarding deron in the MSG sequence toward the beginning. i think the only abuse we may see is from the quick guys just running around. i hope that has some dynamic dna effect on the teams morale and makes everyones rating down because of the ballhoging.
# 23 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/28/08 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by RubenDouglas
graphically its looking very nice. colors are crisp and just has a great NEXT gen feel. 2k can learn alot from that aspect imo. it really puts the game over past that nextgen hump.

one question, why was curry guarding deron in the MSG sequence toward the beginning. i think the only abuse we may see is from the quick guys just running around. i hope that has some dynamic dna effect on the teams morale and makes everyones rating down because of the ballhoging.
Pick and roll switch maybe?
# 24 SageInfinite @ 08/29/08 12:13 AM
I just noticed how great the lighting looks
# 25 MrSimCity @ 08/29/08 12:45 AM
Nice looking vid, the in paint collisions seem close to non-existent, but stuff on the perimeter looks on point....My issue with Live is...whats with the CORNY FEATURES names?? Quickstrike ANKLE BREAKERS??...how many "anklebreakers" do you really see in structured basketball..point im trying to make here is, that real hoopers who want to play a real hoops game like myself, are turned off by such catchy features and names, it just a bit too "gimmicky" if you will
# 26 MrSimCity @ 08/29/08 01:01 AM
Lol yeah I feel u..ive really been playing 2K only since..well nba 2k..but every year i hope live is decent enough..stopped caring like 2 years ago, but this year the hope is SLIGHTLY back (cause theyve done such a good job with FIFA counterpart lately), no one's saying it has to be 2K..just good enough so at least its an alternate, would love to have 2 different good ball games i can run leagues in
# 27 blackngoldfan @ 08/29/08 01:27 AM
I noticed this picture in the article. Are you able to edit shoes this year?
# 28 Jano @ 08/29/08 01:43 AM
Yeah we can edit accessories this year. Also one of the EA developers has said that the Live 365 feature will edit accessories too. So if there are problems like that on release day we should get fixes for that in future updates if you don't feel like fixing them yourself.
# 29 blackngoldfan @ 08/29/08 02:11 AM
Sweet!! Thanx.
# 30 Behindshadows @ 08/29/08 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
I noticed this picture in the article. Are you able to edit shoes this year?
Dude that is a great Iverson Player model, damn! Look at the skin detail and the arm and leg definition...

BTW! Video looked great, can't wait for the demo to try the new movements.
# 31 blackngoldfan @ 08/29/08 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2
Dude that is a great Iverson Player model, damn! Look at the skin detail and the arm and leg definition...

BTW! Video looked great, can't wait for the demo to try the new movements.
Yea, they nailed A.I. on that screenshot....down to the wristbands.

Here's another screenshot:

1. Notice how Yao actually grips the ball. There is no space or sense of floating between his hands and the ball.

2. Look at the court detail. Look at how the thin gray line borders the red inside the key. Call me crazy, but I go nuts for little things like that.

# 32 Behindshadows @ 08/29/08 04:24 AM
Yeah but the detail in this Photo is my favorite..

# 33 23bluesman @ 08/29/08 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by RubenDouglas
graphically its looking very nice. colors are crisp and just has a great NEXT gen feel. 2k can learn alot from that aspect imo. it really puts the game over past that nextgen hump.

one question, why was curry guarding deron in the MSG sequence toward the beginning. i think the only abuse we may see is from the quick guys just running around. i hope that has some dynamic dna effect on the teams morale and makes everyones rating down because of the ballhoging.
Yeah as Greene_Flash said, most likely a switch. In the interview Jeff talks about creating the situation:

IGN: What's your favorite move to pull off in the game?

Jeff Antwi: I love creating mismatches to set up an anklebreaker. Usually I call for a ball-screen so that I can get a big guy up high with me at the top of the key (using our Pick & Roll Control). I come off the screen, tell my teammate to roll, but don't give him the ball. If the defenders switch, I immediately call for an Isolation, so that it's just me versus a big man. I do a couple of regular quickstrike crossovers to start things off, then pull off a through the legs step-back by holding down on the Right Stick. At that point, I'm ready to pull off an ankle breaker. I hold down the right trigger, flick to the right on my right stick and do a through the legs crossover set-up move. Then I push my left stick to the left to do a crossover first step and hopefully catch my check going the wrong way. The beauty of the system is that you can come up with your favorite combo moves to set your check up and try to cross him over.
# 34 CallMeDrop @ 08/29/08 09:59 AM
2K has been doing the hesitation poses for years now. I do like the fluidity of the ball handling though. Looks cool. Gameplay still has a long way to go. The game does look a lot better though.
# 35 23 @ 08/29/08 12:06 PM
Good Lord can anything be done with this game without talking about 2k. Really, who cares who did what first, as long as the games are great for the fans.

Nive observations blackngoldfan... i never picked up on the gray stripe. ReubenDouglas would see something like that and have a spasm
# 36 kwas676 @ 08/29/08 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
Good Lord can anything be done with this game without talking about 2k. Really, who cares who did what first, as long as the games are great for the fans.

Nive observations blackngoldfan... i never picked up on the gray stripe. ReubenDouglas would see something like that and have a spasm
I feel you man the whole EA vrs 2k can really get annoying on this forums, thats why i dont post much. O well both games look good.
# 37 CallMeDrop @ 08/29/08 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
Good Lord can anything be done with this game without talking about 2k. Really, who cares who did what first, as long as the games are great for the fans.

Nive observations blackngoldfan... i never picked up on the gray stripe. ReubenDouglas would see something like that and have a spasm

I feel that. The guys on the vid just made it look like it was some outta this world new feature like it hasn't been done in the past. The game does look good though. i'll wait for the demo to come out before passing anymore judgements..lol
# 38 Rebel_INS @ 08/29/08 02:54 PM
Doesn't look 2 bad...
# 39 23 @ 08/29/08 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by dropseven
I feel that. The guys on the vid just made it look like it was some outta this world new feature like it hasn't been done in the past. The game does look good though. i'll wait for the demo to come out before passing anymore judgements..lol
.... See I dont see it that way at all. They're a new NBA Live development team and they are probably actually excited to impletement something that they knew the game lacked and needed.

How many times have people complained about the game being a dunkfest... now they introduce a new way (for nba live) to counter all of that, which is something the fans have been yelling

When they get up and fully running and both 2k and EA are on a level field as far as features animations and such some people will still do the same thing. Oh they took such and such... shoot they take from eachother and I dont see anything wrong with it. I didnt hear anyone complaining when 2k took the tendency ideas from NBA Inside Drive and said they're touting it like its something new...

Its getting old with all of these fanboys and game wars

2k has a board to discuss 2k but I understand they havent released crap so people have much of nothing to talk about.
# 40 CallMeDrop @ 08/29/08 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
.... See I dont see it that way at all. They're a new NBA Live development team and they are probably actually excited to impletement something that they knew the game lacked and needed.

How many times have people complained about the game being a dunkfest... now they introduce a new way (for nba live) to counter all of that, which is something the fans have been yelling

When they get up and fully running and both 2k and EA are on a level field as far as features animations and such some people will still do the same thing. Oh they took such and such... shoot they take from eachother and I dont see anything wrong with it. I didnt hear anyone complaining when 2k took the tendency ideas from NBA Inside Drive and said they're touting it like its something new...

Its getting old with all of these fanboys and game wars

2k has a board to discuss 2k but I understand they havent released crap so people have much of nothing to talk about.
Cool man. You have a point. I guess the reason that I'm dissapointed is because Live has been a bad game for years now, so a lot old Live fans that were there from the beginning expect more . They are making strides though, so that's all that matters now. I'll leave it alone though. Next topic!

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