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NBA 2K9 is poised to possibly be the best sports game of this year. With the recent announcements of the 5 on 5 online mode as well as a still unnamed online mode, fans of the game are rather excited at the prospect of what the new feature could be. Check out Richard Chavez's thoughts on the online features announced thus far and check out his speculation on what the mystery feature is in his article, NBA 2K9 Online Features Overview.

"With Madden 09 in stores, sports fans can now look forward to the next batch of games they’ll be playing this season. For basketball fans, NBA 2K9 is at the top of the list. Details on the game are sparse but Take-Two held an event in Washington, D.C. last week that revealed some precious details about the new features we’ll be seeing in NBA 2K9. They didn’t share everything but they did take the time to discuss five-on-five online and let us know that there is another huge online feature they will reveal in the future."

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Member Comments
# 1 DC @ 08/20/08 12:38 PM
So we still don't know what this NEW feature is? I'm tired of being teased now. Seriously.

Another feature they could add is being able to play your season or franchise games against online opponents. This feature began in Madden 06 but has not really made the leap over to basketball. It is not as interesting or exciting as an online franchise but it could still be fun. It would make playing your season a little bit more interesting as it does get tiring playing against the AI.
Yea because I get tired of playing the CPU
# 2 Boge @ 08/20/08 12:52 PM
A bit off topic, but where is the intensity in the players faces? I see nothing but still emotions. That really hurts the realism and feel.
# 3 theming @ 08/20/08 01:13 PM
I posted the comment about the online franchise mode on the 1st or 2nd page of the gamespot post. Yesterday I posted the teaser 2 video link on one of the hot topics. OPS TEAM, YALL need to step it up. Especially you Chase. Get some vids homie.
# 4 burnshroom @ 08/20/08 01:17 PM
I love all of this picking on the little stuff we don't see. Because come October 7 everything complained about now will mean nothing.

We all will be playing this game.
# 5 GymRat @ 08/20/08 01:43 PM
What a waste of text.
# 6 Chi Dynasty12 @ 08/20/08 01:53 PM
I bet the feature is an updated roster thing like Live's "dna"
# 7 Mobster06 @ 08/20/08 02:14 PM
Good write up.
# 8 rebe1 @ 08/20/08 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Boge
A bit off topic, but where is the intensity in the players faces? I see nothing but still emotions. That really hurts the realism and feel.
As if you can see the faces during gameplay.
# 9 DakkoN @ 08/20/08 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by rebe1
As if you can see the faces during gameplay.
Umm, you can.. Especially with all the after basket and dead ball camera cuts that the NBA games do nowadays.
# 10 TheKingOfVa @ 08/20/08 04:12 PM
I hope the new online feature is 5 on 5 online leagues!
# 11 Shinyhubcaps @ 08/20/08 08:11 PM
I'm pretty sure the new feature has something to do with online leagues. 2KSports.com is about ready to break with My 2Kommunity, something that has been in the works for a while, and it will debut with NHL 2K9. We're talking about chat, full stats, and video being uploaded right from your system to the league website.

One of the developers at E3 said "You ain't seen nothing yet" regarding how their online feature would blast NBA Live's Dynamic DNA, but that's just talk.
# 12 Lid @ 08/20/08 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Boge
A bit off topic, but where is the intensity in the players faces? I see nothing but still emotions. That really hurts the realism and feel.
*pulls up for jumper*
*wonders why my PF doesnt have a facial expressions*
*turns off game*

# 13 Boge @ 08/20/08 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
It's 2008 not 2015.
It's 2008, not 1999...wait, NBA Live 99 had some facial expressions. Actually, I remember being able to choose between 3 attitudes when creating players. I also remember facial expressions on dunks and also when they got injured and walked off the court. That was 10 years ago! I expect more after 10 years worth of perfecting a basketball video game.

In 2015 when they still don't have facial expressions, will you be disappointed then?
# 14 dwayne-wade @ 08/21/08 12:08 AM
Nba 2k9 will beat nba live for years to come
they beat live 09 in graphics, pics, trailers and features
nba live 09 is using a dumm *** dna system like that will really work
i call it hot spot part 2
# 15 23 @ 08/23/08 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by theming
I posted the comment about the online franchise mode on the 1st or 2nd page of the gamespot post. Yesterday I posted the teaser 2 video link on one of the hot topics. OPS TEAM, YALL need to step it up. Especially you Chase. Get some vids homie.

1.The OPS team whatever that is does not supply video content for a company who has released none.

2.This is a site that does not take requests from posters demanding that it does anything as such at their request, which brings me to...

3. How about you donate 20 bucks to the site before telling the staff writers what they should do to satisfy YOU.

Chase has done quite a fine job answering questions as best he could here in his own free time and that should be appreciated.

While im not particularly giddy about not knowing what the game is all about so far, this is a way out of line approach that will leave you in the same spot you started, nowhere with no info.
# 16 nooknook78 @ 08/23/08 10:41 AM
I would be overly satisfied with a spectator mode.

That way I could peep out all the cheesers and watch my friends play
waiting next in line. I could even watch 2 of the top ranked cats go at it. Vying for that number one spot. I just think it would be a great great addition. But seeing how the 2kservers seem to be a tad congested as is, I doubt we'll get this feature. But it'd be like watching film on your opponent. They would cringe at the fact that I'd been studying there every move. Plus you could see how others stop certain plays and players. Please, I need spectator mode. Now that's next gen.
# 17 Shakedowncapo @ 08/23/08 10:57 AM
Don't even play w/ saying spectator mode. That would be revolutionary in the basketball gaming front. I'm saying, if Virtua Tennis 3 can have spectator mode, why can't NBA2k

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