News Post

We have just posted a hands-on preview for FIFA 09 after our very own Chase Becotte got to have some time with the game. Be sure to check back all week as Chase got to see several other games last week and will be posting other previews on them through the week!

"Since moving over to next-gen, FIFA has struggled to create an experience that relies on skills and creativity rather than exploits and “money” tactics. Whether it was the ping-pong passing down the field or the bang ball up the sides of the pitch, FIFA has struggled to make itself seem like the real thing. The organic nature of soccer is certainly hard to re-create, but the developers of FIFA have taken strides with FIFA 09 to not only remove “money” tactics, but also create an experience that finally lives up to the promises of next-gen gameplay."

FIFA Soccer 09 screenshot gallery - Click to view FIFA Soccer 09 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: FIFA Soccer 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
FIFA Soccer 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 ChaseB @ 08/20/08 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by koshi

Seems perhaps a better way would be to just let you tweak each team's tactic as you see fit... Though 25 custom ones should be ample enough.

Anyone by chance know specifically what you'll be able to adjust with these tactics sliders?
I forget all the categories at this point, but I think there are 5 or 6 sliders to tinker with.
# 22 JRod @ 08/20/08 12:56 AM
Can you assign them to some of the CPU teams. If not it doesn't matter how many tactics you can make and save.

Really if can assign just one to the CPU opponent that would really hope our career mode.
# 23 therizing02 @ 08/20/08 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by koshi

Anyone by chance know specifically what you'll be able to adjust with these tactics sliders?
Here you go Koshi:

Each slider has a 1 to 100 range.

Here are the options for tactics:


Build up
Positioning-Free form or Organized

Chance Creation
Postioning-Free form or Organized


Team Width
Back Line-Offsides Trap or Cover
# 24 ChaseB @ 08/20/08 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by JRod
Can you assign them to some of the CPU teams. If not it doesn't matter how many tactics you can make and save.

Really if can assign just one to the CPU opponent that would really hope our career mode.
Yea you can assign the tactics to CPU teams.
# 25 spit_bubble @ 08/20/08 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by therizing02
Here you go Koshi...

It all sounds... Intriguing to say the least.

Dare I say it? Rich gameplay to match all the other amenities???

Time will tell.
# 26 BezO @ 08/20/08 05:24 PM
As A Chelsea player approached to head the ball into the open net, an Arsenal defender automatically -- without the aid of the human player -- went into desperation mode and made a goal-saving header of his own to knock the ball out of bounds.
So AI players on user controlled teams get to loose balls now?

Originally Posted by koshi

Seems perhaps a better way would be to just let you tweak each team's tactic as you see fit... Though 25 custom ones should be ample enough.
Yeah, we should be able to save them with the team like a playbook. That would make a lot more sense. But I guess there are only so many tactical combinations. 25 should cover it.
# 27 ChaseB @ 08/20/08 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
So AI players on user controlled teams get to loose balls now?
Yep, seems that way.

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