MLB Power Pros 2008 News Post

Anyone who has played MLB Power Pros will vouch for the MLB Life mode that is within the game. Carlos Hernandez is no different, as he offers up his own opinions and suggestions for developers of the game's mode in his article, MLB Life Does the Career Mode Right.

"Growing up to be a Major League Baseball player is every young fan's dream. It is probably why baseball fans today enjoy the opportunity to take their created players from the minors all the way up to the big show. But, while these game modes have now been available in sports gaming for a number of years, only MLB Power Pros 2008 has taken it one step further by immersing you in a world of decisions that include friendships, marriage, and the occasional game of golf."

Game: MLB Power Pros 2008Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / WiiVotes for game: 11 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 StormJH1 @ 08/07/08 05:12 PM
It's pretty cool for fans of RPG's. But I've been playing as a shortstop, and is batting the only thing you get to do in games? I'll play a game, it will skip to my 4 at-bats, and that's it. No fielding, and only limited baserunning. Maybe it's because I'm still in the minors, but I'm wondering why you'd want to be a shortstop, or any position at all, if all you do is bat.
# 2 Vast @ 08/07/08 05:17 PM
great article man hopefully i can get my hands on a wii and try it out
# 3 XiaNaphryz @ 08/08/08 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bobolini
Can't get past these comic graphics...
You really should at least give it a shot, the little guys have a lot more expressiveness than you'd think.
# 4 asu666 @ 08/08/08 07:22 PM
I love Power Pros, but I'm not a big fan of not getting to play the field. I tense up every time I play MLB 08: The Show and it doesn't skip to my next at bat, but to a fielding situation. Maikng the right decision to in the field and the nice camera angles are fun and rewarding.
# 5 gobyrandom @ 08/08/08 10:43 PM
I love the fielding in THe Show, but the base running is SO tedius.
# 6 StormJH1 @ 08/11/08 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by ravens52bears54
I think I read somewhere that you only get to field in that mode if you are a pitcher. I agree that it makes no sense though.
Yeah, I think that a lot of people like it because all you do is hit. But I really wonder how much of an impact I'm having on my development. It's basically a text-based RPG with occasional at bats thrown in. Probably the best thing about it is that you can play for 5 or 15 minutes at a time if you don't want to play a full regular game.

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