Its been a long time coming, but thanks to EA Freestyle's FaceBreaker we can now finally see who would win in a fight between Peter Moore and Kim Kardashian. Check out the video below and some new screenshots.
The game looks like it has no enjoyment what so ever and would get boring after 10 mins...Kim is bad though and I 2nd B except he's not all that dumb for dating her to do that on a regular
A president representing himself in that kind of capacity is not a good sign for a company.
I disagree here. While I do think this game is a fast button masher that isn't something I'll ever enjoy/have use for, I think using Peter Moore in this situation just shows he has a sense of humor. I don't think it looks poorly on the company, it just shows they can make fun of themselves.
As for Kim Kardashian, I have no idea about her involvement or why she's here, and I really don't give a crap about her.
Has no bearing. Use another celebrity then to implement the system. But a president of a video game company putting himself in it? That is disturbing and not a healthy sign of solid leadership.
While I understand your logic, I respectfully disagree. Were this the president of a company, like say General Motors or AT&T, I would be inclined to share your opinion.
While I haven't always agreed with the direction Moore has taken certain game franchises, one thing he has done exceptionally well is to reach out to his audience. From granting interviews to sites like IGN, to blogging, Moore has shown a unique understanding of the culture of his target audience.
Because Moore has been willing to put his face and his voice out the audience, his appearance in a viral marketing video such as this does not seem out of bounds, even for a man of his professional stature. After all, he is in the entertainment business. More than anything else, this video is an attempt by Moore to show that he is really one of us, and thus helping us identify with the EA Sports brand. After all, the youtube/myspace generation is what pays his salary. It is far more important for him to reach and impress the target market, rather than the suits in corporate America.
I for one, find this a rather brilliant marketing maneuver.
Agree to disagree. Using your example, EA=GE. It disturbs me that his ego is this out of control and is a sign to me of a company that does not have its priorities in issue. And unfortunately, their product line and quality (sans Rock Band, which a bunch of monkeys couldn't mess up) reflects this.
you should be careful about making assumptions re: things you have no idea about.iI am the lead designer on facebreaker. i put Peter into the game via photogameface as part of an internal presentation to him (he is my boss). i thought it would be a cool way to show him the feature. i proceeded to put his head on a female, giving him a big set of knockers, i put him on a big fat guy and then finally put his head on a monkey. he thought it was hilarious and took it all in stride. not something i would say is true of a person with an 'out of control' ego, would you?
the reason Peter is still in the game is that i asked him to be. after the presentation i had a number of focus sessions and happened to leave peter's head in the game. to my surprise, when asked 'who is your favorite character and why', i had a couple of kids say 'Peter Moore. because, well, he's Peter Moore!'. like it or not, Peter has a huge fan base out there. he interacts better with real gamers than any executive i have ever met.
so, i thought it would be funny to leave him in the game. when i asked him what he thought he replied that he would be honored if anyone wanted to fight as him, and if not, he was pretty sure there were some people out there who always wanted to break his face. haha.
this led us to kim, and there are others we are shipping with in the game as well. we decided to compile a cast of created characters that we thought many people in the world might like to beat the crap out of. this also includes a couple of NFL players btw. facebreaker is not a serious game, its meant to be fun. period.
if you're interested in learning more, feel free to ask me some questions in the facebreaker designer q+a thread.
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