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What does MLB '08: The Show, a renewed passion for baseball and sports leagues issuing exclusive licenses all have in common? Our Senior Features Editor Chris Sanner checks in today to tell us just that and how MLB '08: The Show changed his life.

"There are certain moments in one's life where you know your life will never be the same again. For some people it is a new job. For others it is the death of close friend or family member. Many others see their lives changed by a simple act of kindness or a simple event in their life. As for my life? My life was changed forever by MLB 08: The Show."

Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 asu666 @ 08/05/08 03:19 PM
MLB: The Show is the best sports gaming series going now, but I almost think MLB will give EA an exclusive license the next go around and kill it. I would say we need to enjoy it while it lasts.

As for 08 I love it too, but the lack of a fix for being able to switch between Major and Minor league clubs to do roster editing was a disappointment. An eeor like that should have been caught. It isn't as bad as some of the bugs in NCAA 09 though.
# 2 mwjr @ 08/05/08 04:46 PM
Oh how I pine for the days before these restrictive exclusive licenses.
# 3 Stroehms @ 08/05/08 06:26 PM
I love the game and constantly play, it has flaws though. IE:

Computer fouls off way to many pitches
Only balls hit over OF's head are off the wall
Even the No-Doubter Homeruns go barely over the wall
Too many double plays broken up
# 4 IgotSyphillis @ 08/05/08 06:44 PM
2K has the exclusive license right so even if it switches over to EA we will still get this game every game because it's developed only for Sony systems. That said this game is awesome, but after playing over 150 games in my season so far I can say that there is indeed lots of room for improvement so I hope SCEA just doesnt lay back and get lazy like EA has done for years.
# 5 RaychelSnr @ 08/05/08 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by stroehmerbasebal
I love the game and constantly play, it has flaws though. IE:

Computer fouls off way to many pitches
Only balls hit over OF's head are off the wall
Even the No-Doubter Homeruns go barely over the wall
Too many double plays broken up
I'd agree, there is still a lot of things that could be improved with The Show...one thing that always annoys me is definitely the huge amount of foul bouls the computer hits. However, The Show is a lot closer to replicating it's sport than any other sports game out there right now minus NBA 2K IMHO
# 6 Shinyhubcaps @ 08/05/08 07:08 PM
I wouldn't say the game changed my life, but it certainly has been a pleasant surprise. This is the first game that I can remember where I had no intention of ever playing it, then tried the demo, then bought it the day of release. It's a great game, and it makes me think about exclusive licenses, and suddenly every other sports game's presentation seems inadequate... it gives me things to think about, even if it didn't change my life.

Good read, though.
# 7 asu666 @ 08/05/08 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
NHL 08 says hi! I love this game sure it has its issues, but it is still a great game and the stadiums are amazing to me.
I agree that NHL 08 was good and I'm expecting even better things from 09, but I would put it closer to NBA 2K8 in total quality and value. I think the depth of the MLB series has the edge on ever sports game so far, even dare I say it, NFL 2K5. But maybe not, because NFL 2K5 was only $20 new.
# 8 zzyzx @ 08/05/08 07:43 PM
It's an interesting argument, but it'll be a tough sell to MLB. They could care less about whether The Show is better than 2K8 or where MVP might rank if it came back.

From their perspective, all that might matter is whether one does a better job than another of creating new fans - and then estimating what sort of revenue those new fans would create. Everything you say is plausible, but it's damn near impossible to measure. Exclusive licensing fees, on the other hand, are known and certain. From a business perspective, as opposed to a gaming one, it doesn't seem like a difficult decision to me.

Other than that, I agree with everything
# 9 ehh @ 08/05/08 11:28 PM
This article is just salt in the wound!

The biggest thing about The Show and NBA2K are that they have a solid foundation that they are building on each year. EA's football games, 2K's baseball game, etc are building on top of a cracked/damaged foundation - which gives us less hope that those games will be great again.
# 10 DrJones @ 08/06/08 12:41 AM
MLB cares about one thing and one thing only: maximizing short-term revenues.
# 11 mgoblue @ 08/06/08 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by DrJones
MLB cares about one thing and one thing only: maximizing short-term revenues.
I think now they care about long term revenues and trying to combat the NFL and get back in the public's favor, but they screwed themselves by selling their souls during the McGuire/Sosa/Bonds steroids era.
# 12 bfindeisen @ 08/06/08 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by asu666
MLB: The Show is the best sports gaming series going now, but I almost think MLB will give EA an exclusive license the next go around and kill it. I would say we need to enjoy it while it lasts.

As for 08 I love it too, but the lack of a fix for being able to switch between Major and Minor league clubs to do roster editing was a disappointment. An eeor like that should have been caught. It isn't as bad as some of the bugs in NCAA 09 though.
NBA2k is the best sports series out...I'm a Show fan, but the gameplay isn't quite there yet, but much more polished than any game to date...
# 13 Hammerhunker @ 08/06/08 10:11 AM
I totally agree with this article. The Show 08 is a phenominal game. It didn't bring me back to the game, I never left, but it does enhance my love tremendously.

How I see it, this game has room for improvement, which is good, because that is what we want. The developers have shown an interest in what is said on these boards, so I truly believe that we will continue to see the needed improvements. Hopefully this game becomes the model for all other titles as far as quality assurance.

Finally, this is a video game, designed for entertainment. The Show accomplishes this in spades. When I am able to escape the daily grind of my life into the world of the Show, I am gone to a peaceful, relaxing world that puts everything into perspective, and realigns my spirit. That is worth every penny I spent on the this system and game.

Very good article.
# 14 DrJones @ 08/06/08 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by mgoblue
I think now they care about long term revenues and trying to combat the NFL and get back in the public's favor, but they screwed themselves by selling their souls during the McGuire/Sosa/Bonds steroids era.
I've seen zero evidence of MLB caring about long term revenues over the decade I've been making baseball games. They view gaming as a short-term cash grab, nothing more. You're aware, I'm sure, that MLB tried to shut down fantasy baseball a couple years ago. You might not be aware that they tried the same thing with online gaming while I was still at EA. Or that they were on the phone with EA within 5 minutes of the Madden deal, asking "Where's ours?" Plus some things that I can't share on these forums.

Also, how did the steroids fallout hurt MLB? Certainly not in the pocketbook, as fans have clearly indicated that they don't care about scandals. Not enough to stop going to games or buy team merchandise, at any rate.
# 15 RaychelSnr @ 08/06/08 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by DrJones
I've seen zero evidence of MLB caring about long term revenues over the decade I've been making baseball games. They view gaming as a short-term cash grab, nothing more. You're aware, I'm sure, that MLB tried to shut down fantasy baseball a couple years ago. You might not be aware that they tried the same thing with online gaming while I was still at EA. Or that they were on the phone with EA within 5 minutes of the Madden deal, asking "Where's ours?" Plus some things that I can't share on these forums.

Also, how did the steroids fallout hurt MLB? Certainly not in the pocketbook, as fans have clearly indicated that they don't care about scandals. Not enough to stop going to games or buy team merchandise, at any rate.
You are definitely right about the MLB's and other sports leagues viewpoints on games. They see it as a short term cash grab and not a way to make fans long-term. To me, I look at games as the best possible free advertising your league could get...but like I ended the article with, the leagues haven't yet caught onto that movement/viewpoint just yet
# 16 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 08/08/08 09:52 AM
I've got a couple questions about the game:

1.) Would you only use power swing (square) when using power hitters like David Ortiz or Ryan Howard?

2.) What's the easiest way to hit home runs? Do you aim where you want to hit the ball and hit X?

Sorry, I just got the game so I'm kinda noobish.

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