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Gamespot has posted 15 new screenshots of MLB 08: The Show.

Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Knight165 @ 08/01/08 12:52 AM

Methinks that the West Coast Boys are a tad excited about landing Manny.
That was Chris' avatar for a while...correct?.....Coincidence?....I think NOT!
Once again....The Show just influencing baseball to do it's will. First the beach balls and now Manny!

# 2 Tommyklaid @ 08/01/08 09:19 PM
Griffey is currently wearing #17 in his debut as a White So(ck).....he didn't want to cause any controversy by taking #30 from N. Swisher or go back to the old and take away #24 from J. Crede.
# 3 Marculo @ 08/02/08 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by cc23klaid
Griffey is currently wearing #17 in his debut as a White So(ck).....he didn't want to cause any controversy by taking #30 from N. Swisher or go back to the old and take away #24 from J. Crede.
Griffey is just a class act. I wish it'd been him and not Bonds who broke the HR record.

He deserves his place in the HOF!!
# 4 PhantomPain @ 08/02/08 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Marculo
Griffey is just a class act. I wish it'd been him and not Bonds who broke the HR record.

He deserves his place in the HOF!!
While I don't think that Griffey is anywhere near the jerk that Bonds is and also agree that I wish he was the one that broke the record, I am not sure he is such a class act. Did you not see the throat slash move he made to a Reds broadcaster earlier this week? Oh and then his yell of FU in front of the crowd and the kids that adore him? I used to think he was a class act, but over the years of being a Reds fan, up to and including the incident I just mentioned, he has changed my mind.

And he will be in the HOF and deservingly so.
# 5 Jgainsey @ 08/02/08 02:04 PM
Anyone else notice that almost every screen shot is during a day game. It makes sense.. the difference between night and day games is well.. night and day, lol. Hopefully they can nail the night games next year or maybe even have dynamic lighting.
# 6 Marculo @ 08/03/08 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by PhantomPain
While I don't think that Griffey is anywhere near the jerk that Bonds is and also agree that I wish he was the one that broke the record, I am not sure he is such a class act. Did you not see the throat slash move he made to a Reds broadcaster earlier this week? Oh and then his yell of FU in front of the crowd and the kids that adore him? I used to think he was a class act, but over the years of being a Reds fan, up to and including the incident I just mentioned, he has changed my mind.

And he will be in the HOF and deservingly so.
Wow, didn't know all that! But I have to take the lesser of the two evils in Griffey if I had to choose! LOL!
# 7 PhantomPain @ 08/03/08 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Marculo
Wow, didn't know all that! But I have to take the lesser of the two evils in Griffey if I had to choose! LOL!
well as far as we know he never juiced so we know he is at least not a cheater.

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