UFC 2009 Undisputed News Post

UFC 2009 Undisputed Videos
Member Comments
# 2
Phillmattic @ 07/30/08 09:34 AM
That didn't look realistic at all. Looks like it could be fun though, as an arcade fighter that is.
# 3
Scoop_Brady @ 07/30/08 09:54 AM
If that reversal animation that Quinton does twice is the norm that will suck. There's no way someone can just flip someone like that. Hopefully that was because the guys playing were talking and weren't really playing normally. Also, I'd like to see a different animation when kicks aren't going to land. For instance, I'd like to see the fighter hold up on the kick and spin around like you would normally see. Other than that it looks very good and like it's a lot of fun to play. I just wish we didn't have to wait until Spring 09 for this thing. How about giving us that demo on Live to whet our appetite?
looked great to me. I love the dirty hits, and noticed as rampage was in a mount raining down on griffin and the ref got close and on one knee as if he was getting concerned and thinking about stopping it. I also like how forrest has actual chest hair in the game, but think they will find a way to have created fighters somehow all be chest waxers lol .. like fight night or other games like that - what do they have against chest hair?
The kicks look good to me, better than the punches, but the reactions to being hit on the ground look good to me, as does the real-time damage.
the wait for this is killer.
The kicks look good to me, better than the punches, but the reactions to being hit on the ground look good to me, as does the real-time damage.
the wait for this is killer.
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