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Gamesindustry had a chance to talk to Peter Moore, President of EA Sports.

"Peter Moore, president of the EA Sports label, has told GamesIndustry.biz that he believes his company's games have been responsible for turning what was previously a largely invisible organisation into the globally-recognised brand it is today."

Game: FIFA Soccer 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 1 ManiacMatt1782 @ 07/16/08 12:57 PM
Maybe stateside, but Mr Moore, you truely are one arrogant individual, if you think your game made the biggest organization of the worlds MOST POPULAR SPORT bigger. FIFA was already globally recognized. Just because you think the globe starts in LA and ends in NY doesnt mean the rest of the world agrees. And I am an American writing this.
# 2 Krebstar @ 07/16/08 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
Maybe stateside, but Mr Moore, you truely are one arrogant individual, if you think your game made the biggest organization of the worlds MOST POPULAR SPORT bigger. FIFA was already globally recognized. Just because you think the globe starts in LA and ends in NY doesnt mean the rest of the world agrees. And I am an American writing this.

Maybe off topic, but this reminds me...yesterday Bud Selig said that Yankee Stadium is the most historic or legendary stadium in the world, or something to that effect. I laughed and then felt irritated how often "the world" gets used, when really people can not see outside of our own borders.

But anyway, arrogant doesn't seem to suffice if Peter Moore thinks they popularized FIFA. If anything, they made it a more recognizable name in the states, but popularized...no.
# 3 tweeny @ 07/16/08 01:58 PM
definition of popular: liked, admired, enjoyable. FIFA may be a known brand....but is it really liked, admired, enjoyed?
# 4 Krebstar @ 07/16/08 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by tweeny
definition of popular: liked, admired, enjoyable. FIFA may be a known brand....but is it really liked, admired, enjoyed?
I don't think either of us were saying it's not popular, we're saying Peter Moore and those associated with him have done nothing to make it more popular anywhere outside the United States.
# 5 yamabushi @ 07/16/08 03:06 PM
Good Job Peter! Keep up the arrogant and ignorant statements, that'll help EAs image.
# 6 Bahnzo @ 07/16/08 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheUglyOrgan
I don't think either of us were saying it's not popular, we're saying Peter Moore and those associated with him have done nothing to make it more popular anywhere outside the United States.
I don't think he's *completely* off his rocker here. Sure it's a bit heady to claim EA is solely responsible, but let's look at it.

I bought a sega genesis only to play NHL 94(I think, might've been earlier). I wasn't a hockey fan, at all. But due to the game I became one, my interest in the video game caused me to watch and become interested in the real sport.

The NFL is enjoying HUGE popularity....I'm willing to bet that is in some part due to Madden and it's years of success.

I don't think it's beyond a doubt that EA's FIFA franchise has some part in maintaining and growing the popularity of soccer. Not only here in the US, but in ASIA especially. If he's saying FIFA should bow down and kiss his arse, then he needs a reality check. But the FIFA games have definitely been good for both EA and football's popularity in general.
# 7 Qb @ 07/16/08 05:57 PM
One word: exposure. The FIFA franchise my was first exposure to the world of professional soccer back in the mid 90s. My favorite club (Arsenal) was the first team I used in FIFA 97 (pretty sure that was it) for the PS1 and after shredding defenses with Ian Wright, they have been my team since. Not to mention an English dude named Seaman with a mustache & pony-tail was just too cool not to like.

Seriously though, I don't think he's too far off-base in saying that EA has helped to popularize FIFA or soccer in general. Certainly this statement is more applicable to some parts of the world than others, but there is at least some truth to it...
# 8 catcatch22 @ 07/16/08 06:35 PM
I don't think he meant the last 5 years but the last 20 years EA has been doing sports games.

Don't remember the first FIFA but I am sure he means starting in the early 90's.

I think people underestimate how many countries out there sell out these games as opposed to here. We in the states are not the only ones who play videogames.
# 9 tweeny @ 07/17/08 03:33 AM
I was making the distinction...or trying to _ between popularization of FIFA (the governing body) and popularization of football (the beautiful game). FIFA is the governing body. It is not the sport. Have EA popularized FIFA (the governing body)...that is the claim.
# 10 JRod @ 07/17/08 04:00 PM
Did any of you actually read the quote?

He said the game has helped popularize the FIFA Organization. He didn't say FIFA helped popularize soccer.

You guys can't read and get all hell bent. As much as I like to take it out on EA Sports, he's right. The FIFA game has helped increase awareness of FIFA, the organization. Now indirectly, he's trying to claim that somehow FIFA, the game, is getting people interested in soccer. But on the surface, I have no doubt the more people know of of the football federation.

Now why you would want to make the claim that you increasing awareness of FIFA is beyond me. It's like saying, "Hey, Madden 09 helped popularize John Madden." Which is also true. It's just that it has nothing to do with how the organization runs, or how many games EA sells. Honestly I don't see how by popularizing FIFA, the organization, this helps EA Sports? Helps FIFA, I guess.
# 11 KG @ 07/17/08 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by JRod
Did any of you actually read the quote?

He said the game has helped popularize the FIFA Organization. He didn't say FIFA helped popularize soccer.

You guys can't read and get all hell bent. As much as I like to take it out on EA Sports, he's right. The FIFA game has helped increase awareness of FIFA, the organization. Now indirectly, he's trying to claim that somehow FIFA, the game, is getting people interested in soccer. But on the surface, I have no doubt the more people know of of the football federation.

Now why you would want to make the claim that you increasing awareness of FIFA is beyond me. It's like saying, "Hey, Madden 09 helped popularize John Madden." Which is also true. It's just that it has nothing to do with how the organization runs, or how many games EA sells. Honestly I don't see how by popularizing FIFA, the organization, this helps EA Sports? Helps FIFA, I guess.
you're right but im guessing it goes both ways...taking ur example of John Madden...my fiance ******ly watches football and knows Madden because of the fball video game

on the the note that everyone else touched on...i too got interested in soccer because of FIFA the game....FIFA WC 94 with Romario and Bergkamp got me hooked on the sometimes beautiful game
# 12 Krebstar @ 07/17/08 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by JRod
Did any of you actually read the quote?

He said the game has helped popularize the FIFA Organization. He didn't say FIFA helped popularize soccer.

You guys can't read and get all hell bent. As much as I like to take it out on EA Sports, he's right. The FIFA game has helped increase awareness of FIFA, the organization. Now indirectly, he's trying to claim that somehow FIFA, the game, is getting people interested in soccer. But on the surface, I have no doubt the more people know of of the football federation.

Now why you would want to make the claim that you increasing awareness of FIFA is beyond me. It's like saying, "Hey, Madden 09 helped popularize John Madden." Which is also true. It's just that it has nothing to do with how the organization runs, or how many games EA sells. Honestly I don't see how by popularizing FIFA, the organization, this helps EA Sports? Helps FIFA, I guess.
I read the quote, and I just re-read it. Still sounds ridiculous.

Lets give them that they've "popularized" FIFA the organization in the United States. Do you really think they helped make people in Europe more aware of FIFA as an organization?

That is what I know I was getting at, that they may have pulled the sheet off of FIFA in the US, but not in the world. Overall, it seems like a pointless quote. We need real FIFA 09 news.

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