News Post

1UP has posted their hands-on preview of MotoGP 08.

"We only had hands-on time with the game's arcade mode, which featured a single acceleration and single brake mapped to individual triggers (for comparison, sims usually offer dual braking). Based on our playtime, we'd put this new MotoGP squarely between Namco's older PS2 MotoGP games and THQ/Climax Racing's MotoGP series on Xbox and Xbox 360. The controls at this stage aren't as good as what you'll find in the Xbox games, but they're better than those in Namco's efforts. Little details like being able to tuck down behind the windscreen and drafting (gaining speed by riding behind another driver's slipstream) weren't present, but seeing that this was the arcade mode, we're not surprised at their omission."

Game: MotoGP 08Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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