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We just posted another NCAA Football 09 video clip. This one features Ohio St. @ Michigan. It's AI vs. AI on default Heisman. Enjoy.

Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 truzoe @ 07/12/08 11:30 AM
steve u r the bomb
# 2 yanks26ngoin @ 07/12/08 12:09 PM
I have 1 problem with how the Wolverines are portrayed. While watching the video, I noticed the Michigan offense going into alot of ace formations. In Rich Rodriguez's world, lining up under the center is un heard of, let alone ace formations. Also, Steve Threets number is off. Steve Threet is number 10. But I can fix this when I get my 360 back and when I buy the game. They at least portayed the Michigan defense correctly. Aggresive, dominant, fast.
# 3 Gman @ 07/12/08 12:13 PM
That video really shows the problems in the kicking game and how easy it is to have huge returns. Hopefully sliders will help it out somewhat. I still can't wait until Tuesday.
# 4 lovesnikes @ 07/12/08 12:13 PM
wat was the final score
# 5 gil92h @ 07/12/08 12:26 PM
How about some Auburn-Alabama?
# 6 BoomerSooner11 @ 07/12/08 12:27 PM
Nice, Im so pumped, can't believe it's almost here.
# 7 lmpullen1979 @ 07/12/08 12:29 PM
That Michigan stadium got really loud with my headset plugged in. Sure it's not like real college football, but it was definately louder than it has been in years past. Can't wait until Tuesday!!!
# 8 BSanders @ 07/12/08 12:53 PM
Nice video thanks.. TN vs KY would be nice to see.
# 9 osubucksfan47 @ 07/12/08 01:13 PM
Why is Ryan Mallet still on Michigan?
# 10 Solidice @ 07/12/08 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by osubucksfan47
Why is Ryan Mallet still on Michigan?

i don't think its Mallet. just wrong # for Threet i believe.
# 11 fsu851 @ 07/12/08 02:44 PM
looks good thanks man!
# 12 CU_Buffs12 @ 07/12/08 03:56 PM
great video, lets see some colorado vs nebraska
# 13 hail2thevictors @ 07/12/08 04:03 PM
Great video! Yeah, an Auburn vs. Alabama game would be nice. GO BLUE
# 14 zwief @ 07/12/08 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
I'm more puzzled by the fact that you actually want to sit back and watch the computer play itself...

It's nice for some preview vids and what not, but otherwise... seriously?

Well sometimes when you are in a race for the conference championship its nice to watch a game that impacts your team. Or if you are like me you watch 20 games a week and have a cpu vs cpu season.
# 15 fistofrage @ 07/12/08 09:43 PM
On one play I believe OSU tried aq punt block and the gunners for Michigan got down there fine. I thought the punt block was a huge glitch?
# 16 canes2008 @ 07/13/08 07:26 PM
Great job

how about miami-fsu plz
# 17 xxjgbxx @ 07/13/08 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by canes2008
Great job

how about miami-fsu plz
i was just about to post this too lol
# 18 Historicgamerosters @ 07/14/08 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
I'm more puzzled by the fact that you actually want to sit back and watch the computer play itself...

It's nice for some preview vids and what not, but otherwise... seriously?
I have found that a complete cpu vs cpu (all-american difficulty) season minus your one user-controlled(Heisman difficulty) team gives you the most realistic passing and rushing numbers. Of course the average person doesn't have the amount of free or disposable time required to accomplish this type of gameplay.

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