News Post

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Do you guys remember the Flowbee? This guy at work order something similar to it but better and he received it today. He says it is better than the Flowbee. I thought it was hilarious!

My car battery is dying a slow death. Maybe because I don't drive it that much or is it because I bought the battery at Costco. The battery is a little over a year old.
  • QOTN: How many hours of sleep do you get?

UPDATE: More links!

Member Comments
# 1 Chaos81 @ 07/09/08 12:28 AM
Hmm...new PS3 model in August? Has anyone heard about this before now?

The Flowbee? Can't say I remember it.

QOTN: I seem to rotate. One night I'll get 5, the next night I'll get 9.
# 2 Scott @ 07/09/08 12:34 AM
Flowbee? Never heard of it...

QOTN: About 6 or 7. Only got like 4 last night and worked 10 hours today, man am I exhausted.
# 3 Steve_OS @ 07/09/08 12:42 AM
Flowbee is some sort of vacuum hair cut gizmo, I think.

Sleep? Who needs it, heh. I get maybe 4 to 5 a night.
# 4 rock85 @ 07/09/08 12:45 AM
The Flowbee i remember the commercials LOL
QOTN: most nights /days i get around 5 hours. I work nights. When i am off i get around 7 hours
# 5 Herky @ 07/09/08 12:55 AM
Usually around 5 or 6 during the week. Weekends I sometimes catch up although I can function pretty well on 5 or 6.
# 6 hdaniel1 @ 07/09/08 01:58 AM
This is what he got.


LOL, Robocut!

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