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IGN has posted a video of NHL 09.

Game: NHL 09Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 47 - View All
NHL 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 tyler289 @ 07/08/08 05:13 PM
Looks awesome. A lot of new animations. I just hope they tone down the tripping calls when you poke-check. But overall the game looks great.
# 2 ohyeahbaby123 @ 07/08/08 06:00 PM
Damn, nice vid! I am extremely excited for the game.
# 3 savoie2006 @ 07/08/08 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by metallidevils

Don't think this was posted yet.

Honestly I don't really see what's so exciting about the 360 degree defensive skill stick. We could pretty much do all of this stuff last year. I don't play online much, so at least from this video, the only incentive for me to get the game is the superstar mode.
The video may not show an awful lot,but it's hardly what to judge in deciding in getting the game.Give them time to release more info and show some gameplay vids before jumping to conclusions.I think even without the video there are plenty of reasons to get this.
# 4 BrianFifaFan @ 07/08/08 07:22 PM
I'm definitely getting this game......
# 5 catcatch22 @ 07/08/08 08:39 PM
That video looked hot to me.

Finally goalies doing spread eagle split saves.
# 6 Village Idiot @ 07/08/08 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by catcatch22
Finally goalies doing spread eagle split saves.
Yeah, WOW!
# 7 savoie2006 @ 07/08/08 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by catcatch22
That video looked hot to me.

Finally goalies doing spread eagle split saves.
Yeah,but that sliding save at about the 43 second mark looks like it could be a recipe for disaster.I hope the goalies don't make a habit of that,putting themselves out of position and giving up easy goals.
# 8 Flyermania @ 07/08/08 09:37 PM
I saw a lot of things I liked in that video...new goalie animations (including desperation saves), better checking, stick lifts...good stuff! Throw in the comment in the hands-on about passing not being as accurate and I am pretty excited!
# 9 Splitter77 @ 07/09/08 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by Lisa_Bonami
Did they fix the fluffy puck physics?....One of the things that drove me crazy is how puck deflections ricocheted too fast off of the goalies or objects that it collided with
the fast deflections off the goalies (they seem scripted to me) have been around since after nhl '95 on the pc if I recall. It probably hasnt been fixed. I hope it has been fixed though, it would take the game to another level as far as goalmouth scrums go- see NHL hitz pro.

Anyways, looking forward to this game- it is the only game i've played on either system in the past year with any consistancy.
# 10 tmac55 @ 07/09/08 05:05 PM
That is awesome.. NHL 08 was definitely game of the year in my mind, and it looks to only be getting better!!!!!!!!

Cannot wait!!!
# 11 bigmoe @ 07/09/08 05:38 PM
I do like the looks of the pre-game intro before teams take the ice , hope they really put work into the pre and post game action and add to the presentation and atmosphere .Also , let us play as multiple teams in a season.
# 12 Bluebuds @ 07/10/08 05:08 PM
Pretty cool video, not too sure about the stack the pad save in that situation. It seemed un-needed, and the split save was cool but I hope its not done to often. It was pretty hard to beat goalies down low in 08 since the goalies were always down before a shot was fired. Looks like it could be even harder, which isn't bad. I hope they make the goalies capable of make glove saves this year.
# 13 Qb @ 07/10/08 07:11 PM
Finally got a chance to watch the video (damn SonicWall at work for streaming media). Lots of cool looking stuff, but I always try to remind myself to not get too hyped by these types of vids or to over analyze 45 seconds of spliced clips...
# 14 bukktown @ 07/10/08 08:40 PM
This game is gonna be ridiculous!
And I still play NHL 08 like it came out yesterday....9 months later!
# 15 theshare @ 10/26/08 11:37 AM
please help i cant do spread eagle saves i try both L1 R1 same time and the goalie does a belly flop on ice with the glove to make save its not spread eagle save i try everything cant do it anyone please help thanks
# 16 theshare @ 10/26/08 11:40 AM
please anyone know how to do spead eagle save with bap goalie i tryied everything cant do it l1 r1 doesnt do it helpppppp.
# 17 weedmanus @ 10/26/08 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by theshare
please anyone know how to do spead eagle save with bap goalie i tryied everything cant do it l1 r1 doesnt do it helpppppp.
I'm not too sure but maybe it's the TYPE of goalie you're using!!
# 18 theshare @ 10/27/08 06:54 PM
i tryied all of them butt hbr std i cant do it
# 19 theshare @ 10/27/08 06:55 PM
has anyone dont spread eagle saves easy because i cant do it with bap or dynasty
# 20 theshare @ 10/27/08 06:57 PM

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