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Caley Roark has penned an article discussing his experiences with MLB '08: The Show and his new PS3 which were both bought thanks to the government's free stimulus handouts. Be sure to check out his article, Making the Jump to a PS3 and The Show.
"Sometimes things just go your way: the planets align, fate smiles, and the ball takes a lucky bounce. Such was the case for me last week. The combination of a government stimulus check, a sweet deal from Walmart , approval for a Sony credit card, and catching my wife on a good day allowed me to purchase a PS3. I wasn't looking for a new system: I've owned the Xbox 360 since launch, and we got a Wii for Christmas. Mainly, since the format war ended, I've been itching for a BlueRay player. My wife mocks my self-given title of "early adopter."

Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 TheGoodKid @ 06/08/08 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
MVP 05 is my baseball fix even today. I can't bring myself to purchase a PS3 for the sake of one game.
I hear ya...I have a 360...When i got the 360 i sold away my XBox to get it. i have been so dissappointed with 2K's baseball games i got my brothers XBox from him because it was collecting dust and i went out and bought MVP 2005 for $3.99 and NCAA MVP 2006 for $2.99...best $7 i have spent in awhile and the games are still better than any of the recent 2k baseball games.
# 22 callmetaternuts @ 06/09/08 08:01 AM
Welcome to The Show and PS3 family
# 23 computerlover @ 06/09/08 11:59 AM
I got both the ps3 and the 360 early in the game. and i find myself playing the ps3 more for the show. I got a SHARP AQUOS 46" 1080p in feb, (for all those who can part with it.. i got it off of QVC for 395 per month for 5 months, this included the 140 for the extend warranty and delivery, and just made the last payment last week woo hoo!!)

back to topic, i love the show both game play, and visuals, there is no comparison using he hdmi cable and running the tv @ 1080p... man oh man if other sports games look like this, and play like it?? wow!1
# 24 kimsunhee @ 06/09/08 10:17 PM
i think many would agree that 2k8 is the worst game of 2k's baseball
# 25 duke776 @ 06/09/08 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by kimsunhee
i think many would agree that 2k8 is the worst game of 2k's baseball
I have to disagree, MLB 2k5 and 2k6 are the worst games I have ever played.
# 26 rp71284 @ 06/10/08 01:30 AM
Triple Play 2002 is near that list... if we're going back that far.

To the person who is thinking of switching from MVP 05, remember (and I made this mistake at first), there are things that you can do in MVP 05 that you can't anymore (and vice versa). But in other ways, it plays very similar, so you should be very satisfied. I know I am.

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