12:37 AM - June 5, 2008 by hdaniel1
- Console Power Consumption Charted by Aussie Site (Joystiq)
- Sony Announces Dynamic In-game Ad Deal (Joystiq)
- Pong Table Blends The Real with The Virtual (Kotaku)
- Liberty City Citizens Deman Tougher Law Enforcement (Kotaku)
- Wii Castlevania Later This Year? (Kotaku)
- Legends of Chun Li Missing Ryu and Ken But Will Have Buns (Kotaku)
I will have my short blurb later with more links, so on with the QOTN!
- QOTN: Do you think Big Brown will win the Triple Crown on Saturday?
UPDATE: Links!
- Xbox 360 Doesn't Violate Alcatel Patent, Says Jury (GamesIndustry.biz)
- Sony to Charge for PlayStation Network (PALGN)
- PS3 Filling Up Quickly with Mandatory HDD Installs (PSX Extreme)
- Baby Makes Surprise Arrival at 37,000 Feet
- Cost of Solar Panels Expected to Plummet
- Red Wine Stops Effects of High-Fat Diet
Do any of you guys watch Arena Football? Yeah I know it's not "real" football, but a local Hawaii player named Chad Owens made some noise on a nationally televise game on ESPN this Monday night. I only heard about this from the local late night news.
Anyways my bro found a youtube video on it.
The Chad Owens Show
Too bad they lost, and talk about someone trying to win the game by themselves!