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PALGN has posted their preview of Don King Presents: Prizefighter, along with an interview with the Executive Producer, Matthew Seymour.

"Interestingly enough however, excessive training can actually be a detriment in Prizefighter's career mode, which seems to be the focal point of the game. The Career Mode follows your character through a documentary-like story, where certain boxers are interviewed and talk about the progression of your character and whatnot. It's not only boxers however, as the game also introduces girlfriends and even former girlfriends, so the career mode has a certain level of immersion. As you progress, you must train in order to become stronger in attributes, however you also have to balance this aspect with media coverage, which includes the dating of girls and such. It's not essential that you do this, as you can train all you want and completely ignore the media, or the other way around, but it's certainly an interesting feature and mixes things up in the single player mode."

Game: Don King Presents: PrizefighterReader Score: 3.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 10 - View All
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