News Post

The following sites have posted Don King Presents: Prizefighter previews:
  • CVG
    "That 'real deal' is as much about control as the life and the spectacle. "Boxing is about movement," says Seymour over and over, and sure enough Prizefighter moves at twice the speed of even the fastest bouts in Fight Night. That speed has meant a move away from EA's big innovation, and towards a time-tested solution. "The foundation of our control methodology is really Street Fighter."
  • Next Generation
    "Seymour is proud, then, that Prizefighter’s controls are digital and are rooted in the likes of Street Fighter II. Coded by Venom Games, the developer behind the much-admired Rocky series, Prizefighter plays fast, boxers moving nimbly around the ring, even if their animation currently lacks the smoothness that slower games possess. The system is focused on movement, with step-around dodges and punches, and performance is tied to three meters – standard health, stamina, and the more novel ‘adrenaline’. Adrenaline is granted through fervent support from the crowd – fill it up and powerful signature moves become available."

Game: Don King Presents: PrizefighterReader Score: 3.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 10 - View All
Don King Presents: Prizefighter Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Complex @ 05/27/08 12:30 PM
This is not good news.
# 2 fistofrage @ 05/27/08 01:13 PM
Is this Seymour clown the same fool that showed up to the gamespot video interview in flip flops and button mashed as tried to knock out the AI fighter in 20 seconds.

I find it funny that a guy who creates a linear story instead of an open career mode insults other games career modes. Granted Fight Night Round 3's career mode was complete garbage, but this idiot made it one step worse. Its a story with bosses to unlock things. You face the same challenges at the same time....Broken hand in the 3rd fight, roid rage boxer in the 10th fight, etc. This clown had an opportunity to take over the video boxing world with a robust open career mode. Instead he gave us Punchout meets Street Fighter. Very Nice.
# 3 Complex @ 05/27/08 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Is this Seymour clown the same fool that showed up to the gamespot video interview in flip flops and button mashed as tried to knock out the AI fighter in 20 seconds.

I find it funny that a guy who creates a linear story instead of an open career mode insults other games career modes. Granted Fight Night Round 3's career mode was complete garbage, but this idiot made it one step worse. Its a story with bosses to unlock things. You face the same challenges at the same time....Broken hand in the 3rd fight, roid rage boxer in the 10th fight, etc. This clown had an opportunity to take over the video boxing world with a robust open career mode. Instead he gave us Punchout meets Street Fighter. Very Nice.
We beef over fights in this thread, but I must say I am in total agreement with you on this.
# 4 JayBee74 @ 05/27/08 01:38 PM
I don't know. Both reviews are utterly vague about gameplay which is my #1 concern.
# 5 aholbert32 @ 05/27/08 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by JayBee74
I don't know. Both reviews are utterly vague about gameplay which is my #1 concern.

# 6 allBthere @ 05/27/08 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
absolutley, and maybe play the demo first if possible to see if it's worth it. Even if the gameply is great, with the way the career is set up, I'm not sure I could justify buying it.

still curious though
# 7 fistofrage @ 05/27/08 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere

still curious though

Well if you're curious, you'll get along great with the Producer of this game.
# 8 Brian_OS @ 05/27/08 03:44 PM
"The foundation of our control methodology is really Street Fighter."

I just threw up a little....
# 9 fistofrage @ 05/27/08 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by thelwig14
Wow...might be one of the worst, yet funniest (serious) press releases ever. Street fighter? That is what I hated about Fight Night and these 2K idiots highlight it in this one? Idiots...
This producer is single handedly destroying any hype there was for this game. On top of that, this game seems to have a personality disorder. They harp on FN for not being a sim and then claim that their game more closely resembles Street Fighter more than a boxing game. ????

2k had a chance to corner the boxing market this year. 2k just dropped the ball. No wonder 2k sports is going belly up.
# 10 Vast @ 05/27/08 05:40 PM
I hate this producer and i pretty much know this game is gonna suck, but im so starved for a boxing game that i will still gamefly this. Im hoping i can ignore the ******** looking animations and find some enjoyment out of this title.
# 11 bigeastbumrush @ 05/27/08 06:50 PM

So between the previews of NCAA 2009 and this bit of news (from 2K themselves nonetheless), I'm saving $120. Sweet.

Aaron, this isn't even a rental IMO.

If the download is available on XBL, that's all I'll be wasting my time (and dime) on.
# 12 Complex @ 05/28/08 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by NEWYORICAN
I hear ya, what a dissapointment. I knew something wasn't going to be right when it was announced that this jerk Don King was going to be involved...What a waste! Don King dosn't care how good or bad the game was going be like, all he cares is about the $$$$..that's what he's all about....Didn't 2K do their reaserch on Don King's history of the crap he's done to the sport of boxing?

Oh, yea, NCAA09 looks like the same game as NCAA08....nothing new...again!

I wont say its bad b/c Don King is involved, it just seems this game was not well thought out.
# 13 Behindshadows @ 05/28/08 09:55 AM
Pathetic, this guy continues to destroy any hype for this game.

Street Fighter? OMG!

Rental only, this isn't a purchase!
# 14 Chibi @ 05/28/08 10:23 AM
This game makes me so mad. It's like the embodiment of 2K's trip down the drain.
# 15 Ceothachosen1 @ 05/28/08 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Brian_OS
"The foundation of our control methodology is really Street Fighter."

I just threw up a little....
they keep braging about that like its a good thing
# 16 fistofrage @ 05/28/08 12:02 PM
This is why EA sports is successful and 2k sports will go bankrupt.

Just look at it, EA comes out with Facebreaker and then next year FN round 4. Every indication is that you'll get a Ready to Rumble clone this year and a sim next year.

What does 2k's producer do....He talks out of both sides of his mouth. "This is more sim like than fight night, blah blah blah, its just like Street Fighter."

What!? What is dude, a Sim or Street Fighter. Or a bunch of garbage that can't decide if it wants to be. They dropped the ball with no career mode, now it appears they have bungled the in ring portion too. Street Fighter? Are you serious? Street Fighter?

I can't stop chuckling as Street Fighter rolls off my tongue. But actually I feel sick. Year after year we beg for a realistic boxing sim. And now all I keep hearing is Street Fighter. Street Fighter? This boggles my mind. Their producer is single handedly destroying this game.
# 17 bigfnjoe96 @ 05/28/08 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
This is why EA sports is successful and 2k sports will go bankrupt.

Just look at it, EA comes out with Facebreaker and then next year FN round 4. Every indication is that you'll get a Ready to Rumble clone this year and a sim next year.

What does 2k's producer do....He talks out of both sides of his mouth. "This is more sim like than fight night, blah blah blah, its just like Street Fighter."

What!? What is dude, a Sim or Street Fighter. Or a bunch of garbage that can't decide if it wants to be. They dropped the ball with no career mode, now it appears they have bungled the in ring portion too. Street Fighter? Are you serious? Street Fighter?

I can't stop chuckling as Street Fighter rolls off my tongue. But actually I feel sick. Year after year we beg for a realistic boxing sim. And now all I keep hearing is Street Fighter. Street Fighter? This boggles my mind. Their producer is single handedly destroying this game.
When the producer mentions Street Fighter he's talking about the Punching Mechanic.(Certain Buttons hit in combination create certain punches) Not the Game play Style.

As for Career Mode, I'm not sure where you heard they dropped Career Mode, but that's not true as Career Mode is in Prizefighter.
# 18 JayBee74 @ 05/28/08 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
He!!, I might not even rent it, but the fact is neither review tells the gameplay story. I don't know why, maybe because there is no gameplay to discuss.

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