News Post

Under the circumstances I was faced with over the past week, I haven't been able to play the game as much as I would like, but if you have a question, post it here. Later this evening I will answer as many of them as I can.

FYI, the readers that have their mini-avatars setup, will have a better chance of having their question answered.

*Comments closed, look for some of the answers later this evening. I'll have another setup tomorrow. Get your mini-avatar setup now and be ready for tomorrow.

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Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Scott @ 05/22/08 12:35 PM
Thanks Steve...How is the OL/DL interaction while on All-American or Heisman? Also a quick question, Is GJ Kinne (former UT QB) in the game for Tulsa?
# 2 nstod @ 05/22/08 12:41 PM
Have you seen a ridiculous amount of INT's and Pick-6's?
# 3 Solidice @ 05/22/08 12:42 PM
i know it has been mentioned as being in the game by some, but never confirmed, is Formation Subs in the game this year? maybe even a screen shot to prove?
# 4 noplace @ 05/22/08 12:43 PM
Thanks Steve I think the vids answered most of the questions I have.

I have just a couple of questions about the playbooks & commentary. Have you noticed anything new?
# 5 Skyboxer @ 05/22/08 12:45 PM
Can you see If the CPU AI quick snapping the ball every play is in fact there? So far in the vids the only time they don't is when they either audible or send a man in motion. Every other play the ball is snapped as soon as the QB gets set.
This makes making any D reads and adjustments obsolete.

(Or will it be a non issue and won't be that way in the final build?)

# 6 J-Unit40 @ 05/22/08 12:46 PM
Just set up my mini-avatar.

1) Option game - Is it too easy to run the option (AA or Heisman difficulty)? Last year, I felt it was either a loss of 2 yards or at least a 25 yard gain. Especially with the speed option and slot option plays.

2) CPU QB - How is the CPU QB AI on All-American? Does the QB throw deep ever? How about throwing into triple coverage?

3) DB play - How are the DB animations? Do they always sky-rocket to the ball to swat it down or does it look more realistic?

# 7 J-Unit40 @ 05/22/08 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by noplace
Thanks Steve I think the vids answered most of the questions I have.

I have just a couple of questions about the playbooks & commentary. Have you noticed anything new?
As seen in the recent videos, there seems to be a lot of new plays in the game this year. Many of which were in the old-gen last year. This is a good thing because the passing plays were weak and had very little variety on the 360/PS3 the past 2 years.
# 8 BenSchoolYard @ 05/22/08 12:49 PM
when you pick your uniforms for the game, can you actually see the uniform or does it just say what color top and bottom?
# 9 Solidice @ 05/22/08 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by J-Unit40
2) CPU QB - How is the CPU QB AI on All-American? Does the QB throw deep ever? How about throwing into triple coverage?
in the IGN insider video, the CPU did throw a 30+ yard bomb(not a short pass then run after the catch, the ball was in the air for over 30 yards) and passed mostly to open or single covered WRs. but the user that was playing wasn't that good so it may not be a good example.
# 10 JBucc @ 05/22/08 01:03 PM
1) How is the recruiting compared to last year? Is it any easier or less in depth? I seem to remember they were toning it down some.
2) Is it easier to put varying levels of touch on your passes?
3) Do the juke moves feel overpowered?

# 11 Ninjoid @ 05/22/08 01:08 PM
Within dynasty are we still able to select any game from any side's schedule (not just your selected team)? Presumably we have the ability to watch this as cpu v cpu.

Thanks again
# 12 drlw322 @ 05/22/08 01:13 PM
thank you steve once again. this is just a request and if you can't get to it it's fine. just wanted to know if you were going to post some good videos of you possibly playing the game.

all the videos we've seen so far. the human control players are droping back 15 yds and style of play is bad. i was wondering if you can post a video of you playing (sim style) on all american level to show us what this game is all about. and if you dont mine can you pick my SC Trojans

thanks again like i said if you can't do it i still appreciate all info you have provided. thank you
# 13 bad_philanthropy @ 05/22/08 01:18 PM
How effective are spread option teams being run by the cpu AI this year? Last year the offensive AI capabilities rendered teams like Florida a pushover because it couldn't properly run the offense.
# 14 Solidice @ 05/22/08 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
Do the shadows continue to move across the field? If I start a game at 11 or noon, will shadows eventually show up? If I start a game at 3 or 4, will the shadows progress and the sky get darker?
this was in '08, and even '07 i believe.(360)
# 15 Rocky @ 05/22/08 01:27 PM
Steve, can you add plays from another teams playbook into a custom playbook?

I know you could do this last gen, just wondering if it made the leap. Thanks!!!!
# 16 ausar72 @ 05/22/08 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Solidice
Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
Do the shadows continue to move across the field? If I start a game at 11 or noon, will shadows eventually show up? If I start a game at 3 or 4, will the shadows progress and the sky get darker?
this was in '08, and even '07 i believe.(360)
Yeah, but they (EA) tend to take things out out of the game every now and then.

Real annoying!
# 17 Brandwin @ 05/22/08 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Can you see If the CPU AI quick snapping the ball every play is in fact there? So far in the vids the only time they don't is when they either audible or send a man in motion. Every other play the ball is snapped as soon as the QB gets set.
This makes making any D reads and adjustments obsolete.

(Or will it be a non issue and won't be that way in the final build?)

Yes. I hope that's not the case. Would be stupid if we don't have enough time to make pre-snap adjustments on D.
# 18 ausar72 @ 05/22/08 01:39 PM
Steve, Thanks for putting in so much time to hook us up with information...

My question is...

Can you sim to a bowl game and see if they have added the team specific endzone art to the field?

This part of the next-gen experience really annoys me on both madden and NCAA. And if you get a chance to ask any questions to the EA reps, can you ask why it isn't in the game and when can we expect it? I would like to know if this is even on their radar.

Thanks in advance!
# 19 nxt @ 05/22/08 01:51 PM
1. Does the CPU QB throw too many interceptions? Pick 6?

2. How are the fumbles on both sides (HUM and CPU)?

3. Does the CPU QB throw deep?
# 20 cch99 @ 05/22/08 02:14 PM

Thanks for doing this. Only one question. Does NCAA have the new passing cam like Madden or does it pull out any farther on passing plays than last year ?

I may be beating a dead horse about the camera issues but figured I'd ask anyway.


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