News Post

VideoGamer.com has posted the following MotorStorm: Pacific Rift updates:
  • MotorStorm only "scratched the surface"

    "He added: "We've realised we've just scratched the surface of what we could actually do with the machine. And I'm sure next time around we'll learn a lot more from MotorStorm Pacific Rift.""
  • Still Time to Influence MotorStorm 2

    "MotorStorm Pacific Rift, scheduled for release on the PS3 some time this autumn, sees a shift in location from a desert to a pacific island. Evolution has also introduced monster trucks into the mix, as well as vastly improved vehicle interaction with the game world and a split screen mode."
  • Interview

    VideoGamer.com: "We hear a lot about the power of the PS3, but when it comes down to it, what can it do that the Xbox 360 can't?"

    Nigel Kershaw: "It's just a great machine. Now we've spent a lot of time with it we're starting to make it sing under the hood. Actually the first and second generation of games that we've seen on the PS3 are just people starting to learn how to make great games for it. It's a long race. Now that developers are starting to write their second or third game, they're starting to untap the power that's within there."

Game: Motorstorm: Pacific RiftReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 4 - View All
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