News Post

Doing something different with my hot links. Going to post some links before midnight strikes on the east coast. Then I will post more links later on with the QOTN. If you guys like, you could post a QOTN, since I am not going to post it till later.

UPDATE: More links for your viewing pleasure!
  • QOTN: Are you a heavy or light sleeper? (Thanks Scott!)

Member Comments
# 1 Scott @ 05/14/08 12:36 AM
QOTN: Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
# 2 Steve_OS @ 05/14/08 12:54 AM
QOTN: HEAVY, when the alarm goes off, i don't wanna hear any of it.
# 3 SPTO @ 05/14/08 02:33 AM
QOTN: I'm an interesting case since I can't hear a thing when i'm sleeping thanks to my lack of hearing. I can tell you though that some days when i'm woken up it takes a good 20 minutes to actually get me out of the bed and other times I can jump out and am ready for the day.
# 4 Chaos81 @ 05/14/08 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by SPTO
QOTN: I'm an interesting case since I can't hear a thing when i'm sleeping thanks to my lack of hearing.
Same here.

Because of that, I am very sensitive to movement and vibration, so if a truck goes by that shakes my house, or if friends are over and they are moving around, I can feel it and it wakes me up, but noise doesn't tend to do a thing when I'm completely asleep.
# 5 boomhauertjs @ 05/14/08 09:39 AM
Depends on how tired I am.
# 6 Boltman @ 05/14/08 10:51 AM
Light! I can hear a single little noise and bam! I'm looking around hehe. Must be that Marine in me. I can go to bed anywhere from 8 to 12pm and I still awake at 5am, my internal alarm always awakes me.
# 7 CMH @ 05/14/08 11:14 PM
I'm a heavy sleeper. I'll sleep through almost anything. Countless times I've been asked if I heard some crazy commotion and my response is always, "I slept straight through the night."

That being said, I will wake up if someone just suddenly creeps up to my bed. It's happened quite a few times. Thankfully, it's for good reasons and not because someone was trying to kill me.

So it's a weird one for me. I think I'll sleep through anything my mind accepts as being non-threatening, but once there is a noise or presence that might be reason for alarm I will awake immediately.

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