Madden 09 News Post

There has been an onslaught of previews popping up across the Net following the EA Sports press event in Vancouver last week. At the event most of EA Sports’ big hitters for this year were shown, none bigger than the behemoth that is Madden NFL 09. However, the Madden media fallout has led to a few inconsistencies in the various previews which now need to be cleared up. Operation Sports recently contacted EA Sports to hopefully clear up some of the confusion, and today Madden NFL Executive Producer Dale Jackson responded to the request.

Following the event some outlets wrote that in-game saves would be in the game this year, but Jackson said that the team was not able to include in-game saves this year.

"We won't have in game saves this year. We hear the feedback, but we are focusing our remaining time on bug fixing, tuning, and polishing the game in the short time remaining this year. We keep a list of requests we see and will make sure this is added."

Another point of contention dealt with what was said at the press event. Madden NFL Senior Producer Phil Frazier said at one point that presentation and online leagues were the two biggest focuses for Madden 09. While that may be true, Dale Jackson wanted to clarify Mr. Frazier’s statement:

"I also want to clarify that Game play is our number one priority this year and has a group of developers specifically devoted to it. Presentation and on-line leagues were the top 2 user requested features coming out of last year, and we wanted to make sure that we addressed them."

Operation Sports’ Executive News Editor Steve Noah attended the event in Vancouver but he doesn’t remember hearing Mr. Frazier specify if it was EA’s or the users’ number one request.

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Member Comments
# 41 yamabushi @ 05/13/08 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
This is one of the dumbest complaint about Madden yet!!! Damn you EA for not taken account my life outside video games.
Right! with such useful and pertinent additions like; holographic training, and stadium exteriors how dare we complain that something useful and not very new isnt included in our $60, been coming out for 20 years, game.
# 42 SageInfinite @ 05/13/08 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
This is one of the dumbest complaint about Madden yet!!! Damn you EA for not taken account my life outside video games.
It's not like they haven't had this feature before.
# 43 mvb34 @ 05/13/08 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by SageTheInfinite
It's not like they haven't had this feature before.
Its not the end of the world as some people may think. 2K8 basketball also don't have in-game save, I don't see the outrage there.
# 44 SageInfinite @ 05/13/08 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Its not the end of the world as some people may think. 2K8 basketball also don't have in-game save, I don't see the outrage there.
Oh its not that big of a deal to me. Personally it doesn't matter as I usually make sure I have the time to play a full game, but I understand people's frustration. The series is moving at a snails pace. 4 years in a feature like this should be in the game. Especially since it was in the game last generation.
# 45 Brandwin @ 05/13/08 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Imo, in-game saves should be in every sports game. This is a major disappointment for me personally.

I could care less about Chain gangs, and refs on the field, but in game saves are huge for me. There is no, and I mean no excuse for Madden in the year 2008 to not have something as basic as in-game saves.

I mean WTF? Why can't we get in game saves???
# 46 ChaseB @ 05/13/08 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Its not the end of the world as some people may think. 2K8 basketball also don't have in-game save, I don't see the outrage there.
I think the outrage can partly be blamed on EA, but then part of it is out of their hands. The part that is out of their hands is that Madden is always going to be targeted, fairly or unfairly, because it's a big name. But besides that I do believe EA had posted in-game saves as one of the official additions to this year's game (though I would need to check again to see), and then at the event last week some sites posted that in-game saves did make it into the game -- now that could be a press failure/miscommunication, or EA said so. As Steve said in the original preview, EA didn't have the in-game saves in the build on-hand and didn't confirm one way or the other....But the belief that they would be in had to come from somewhere, so either one or both sides (EA and the press -- and I include OS in the press portion) slipped up somewhere.
# 47 Brandwin @ 05/13/08 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I have three children and a wife as well.

I'm not happy about accelerated clock not being in the game, but if I played without in games saves last year, I can do the same this year. Granted, I also understand folks who were used to it last gen and won't have it this gen.

I can only hold out hope the game has minimal or no bugs.
We don't have accelerated clock either?
# 48 PVarck31 @ 05/13/08 04:56 PM
I know this news upsets a lot of people, but the swearing, bypassing the language filter needs to stop. If you can't discuss this maturely then infractions, or trips to the cell will be handed out.
# 49 ewto16 @ 05/13/08 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
We don't have accelerated clock either?
Nope, why would you expect to have a 5 year old useful feature in your game?
# 50 ewto16 @ 05/13/08 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by pjv31
I know this news upsets a lot of people, but the swearing, bypassing the language filter needs to stop. If you can't discuss this maturely then infractions, or trips to the cell will be handed out.
I assume you are talking to me. My bad. I was just really.......ummmmm, I'll go with irritated.

Truthfully, I've never read the policy on posting on here and what you can/can't say.

# 51 countryboy @ 05/13/08 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
Truly unbelievable we have been asking for this for more then 10 years. Thank Goodness we can play as mascots thought. Proof AGAIN how out of touch ea really is.
What are you talking about? In-game saves have been in the game within 10 years and were on the last gen consoles. They've just been missing on the current gen consoles for the last 4 years. And there are no Mascot games in Madden..
# 52 countryboy @ 05/13/08 05:22 PM
This is a HUGE let down for me. In game saves should be the norm in sports games. I can't believe that EA has dropped the ball on this. Sad, truly sad.

Being able to replay a down that didnt' go my way, but not being able to save a tremendous game in the middle of the action due to outside interference? Simply pathetic. And EA says that they have heard the "requests" for this feature but choose to "ignore it" and focus their time on a feature(Rewind feature) that no one asked for? No excuse whatsoever. And EA, this is coming from one of your biggest supporters.
# 53 Lynsanity @ 05/13/08 05:50 PM
EA Giveth. EA taketh away.
# 54 ausar72 @ 05/13/08 07:07 PM
I also have a wife and three kids and it is hard enough trying to find the time to play and spend time with the family. At this point, the little bit of gaming time I have has to count, i.e. franchise games etc...

It's getting to the point where I can barely get through a season, because I need a full hour+ (to get realistic stats) for each game. In-game would solve this issue. I could play 1/2hour here and 45 minutes the next time, and every game would count toward me completing franchise games. Right now, I end up rushing through games or simming with ridiculous stats... THis takes alot away from enjoyment.

The bottom line is I'm going to have to stop spending money on a game that I'm not getting the most out of. $60 is a lot of money to be spending on a game that doesn't live up to it's billing or fufill a basic level of enjoyment.
# 55 zpq12 @ 05/13/08 07:41 PM
Will they still have some type of sim to end type feature?
# 56 countryboy @ 05/13/08 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by zpq12
Will they still have some type of sim to end type feature?

unknown thus far.
# 57 buzzguy @ 05/13/08 08:52 PM
This continued greater attention by EA to the PS2 version is kind of gimping the industry. It's time to move on, people!
# 58 blackngoldfan @ 05/13/08 09:33 PM
This HAS to be about EA
# 59 ODogg @ 05/13/08 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
This HAS to be about EA
haha, that's so true.

This is an outrage.
# 60 noshun @ 05/14/08 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
haha, that's so true.

This is an outrage.
Hahaha, oh snap. That fits EA to a T.

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