01:07 AM - May 8, 2008 by hdaniel1
- GTA IV Statsplosion! Xbox Live and US 360 Sales Detailed (Joystiq)
- SCEE President: 'You Will Probably See' GTA IV DLC for PS3 (Joystiq)
- GTA IV Snatches $500 Million in First Week (Joystiq)
- GTA IV for PS3 Gets Patched (Kombo.com)
- Why are Xbox 360 HDD Expensive? (1up)
- Sony Considering External PS3 Hard Drive? (Eurogamer)
- Xbox Live GTA IV Numbers (Major Nelson)
- Sony Planning GTA IV PS3 Multiplayer Patch (Kotaku)
- OS X Capable PC Arrives
Steve must be having a blast at EA Vancouver. I know he hates flying, I should try convince him to take a vacation out here in Hawaii! Heh!
- QOTN: What was your longest non-stop flight on a airplane?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!
RandyMoss84, thenbagamer, Suspect (28), HotrodderZ (26), bmr4242 (23)