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NCAA Football 09 Videos
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Guess it pays to read the fine print. When I first saw these I thought EA had played a terribe joke on us when it comes to the player models. Then I realized they were for the PS2!
As far as the pics though, is anybody else tired of seeing the LB decapitation tackle animation? It's been in the game for years, but I have never seen a tackle like that in real life; where the offensive player is damn near bent in half at the waist!
As far as the pics though, is anybody else tired of seeing the LB decapitation tackle animation? It's been in the game for years, but I have never seen a tackle like that in real life; where the offensive player is damn near bent in half at the waist!
# 2
GetYaWeigtUp @ 05/07/08 01:33 AM
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