CVG has posted the following MotorStorm: Pacific Rift updates:
- 4-player Split-screen
Quote: " The larger the vehicles, the greater effect they'll have on the environment. So take a small bike and you'll have to follow the bigger vehicles if you want to make use of the short-cuts." - Preview
Quote: "MotorStorm 2 is the sequel equivalent of a Swedish massage, the developer's hands have spent the last 18 months thumbing out all the niggles and glitches that made MotorStorm a pain to play, then lathering up the results with a glamorous setting, new vehicles and a surprisingly deep destructible environment." - 16 Tracks, Home Confirmed
Quote: " Without giving too much away, he added: "I think it's going to really start binding the PS3 online community together. I'm really looking forward to watching it progress, and MotorStorm will be a strong presence from the off."" - Screenshots