Madden 09 News Post

GameStop has posted their Madden Mondays blog called Returning Missed Field Goals.

"However, sometimes innovations in gameplay easily lend themselves to NFL authenticity. One of these Madden NFL 09 innovations is the ability to return missed field goals. Over the past couple of years, we've seen in the real-world NFL how a seemingly insignificant field-goal attempt can be turned into a momentum-changing, or even game-deciding, touchdown return."

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Member Comments
# 41 Rawdeal28 @ 05/05/08 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
I agree with a lot of you that this is a nice feature that EA shouldn't really be hyping because it should be a given that it's in the game (but honestly is this nugget of info 3 months before the game releases "hyping"?). However, I will also say it's quite annoying that everytime EA does the right thing and fixes or adds something, small or otherwise, that there is a big tribe of people who come out to say the infamous "why are they adding or fixing xxxx when they should be working on xxxx?!?!".

Example: In the past few years we've seen people saying why did they fix such and such instead of working on online leagues? Then this year EA adds online leagues and I see people typing the infamous "why are they working on online leagues instead of **fill in another issue***?!"

It honestly is quite ridiculous because EA needs to fix a lot of things to make the game right and just because they don't fix the things you deem most important, in the order you deem correct, doesn't meant it's not something they needed, at some point, to fix to make a better game. The bottom line is nearly everyone says basic things about the game need fixed and this is a basic thing that should be fixed so it should be a positive thing it's being fixed, not an occasion to whine. I mean my God, complaining about EA fixing a basic game issue that does need fixed is just plain silly.
ILL DRINK TO THAT! (juice that is!)
# 42 djordan @ 05/05/08 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
I agree with a lot of you that this is a nice feature that EA shouldn't really be hyping because it should be a given that it's in the game (but honestly is this nugget of info 3 months before the game releases "hyping"?). However, I will also say it's quite annoying that everytime EA does the right thing and fixes or adds something, small or otherwise, that there is a big tribe of people who come out to say the infamous "why are they adding or fixing xxxx when they should be working on xxxx?!?!".

Example: In the past few years we've seen people saying why did they fix such and such instead of working on online leagues? Then this year EA adds online leagues and I see people typing the infamous "why are they working on online leagues instead of **fill in another issue***?!"

It honestly is quite ridiculous because EA needs to fix a lot of things to make the game right and just because they don't fix the things you deem most important, in the order you deem correct, doesn't meant it's not something they needed, at some point, to fix to make a better game. The bottom line is nearly everyone says basic things about the game need fixed and this is a basic thing that should be fixed so it should be a positive thing it's being fixed, not an occasion to whine. I mean my God, complaining about EA fixing a basic game issue that does need fixed is just plain silly.
# 43 bad_philanthropy @ 05/05/08 11:29 PM
At least they finally turned the stadium lights off during daylight games.
# 44 swat8 @ 05/06/08 06:09 PM
But remember with long field goals, you get the ball where the ball was kicked. Football sense is don't touch the ball. End of halves is just part of the game. Let's hope the return coverage is good where this is not abused.
# 45 mvb34 @ 05/06/08 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by swat8
But remember with long field goals, you get the ball where the ball was kicked. Football sense is don't touch the ball. End of halves is just part of the game. Let's hope the return coverage is good where this is not abused.
Food for thought, there are not alot of good tacklers on the field goal team. Thats why FG returners are so effective.
# 46 swat8 @ 05/08/08 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Food for thought, there are not alot of good tacklers on the field goal team. Thats why FG returners are so effective.
That's just another aspect of the game. I can live with that.
# 47 maddenps2 @ 05/09/08 04:13 AM
It only took them 20 years to add this feature.
# 48 MIAPhins911 @ 05/09/08 06:01 AM
yea i agree
# 49 nxt @ 05/09/08 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by FlyingFinn
I think it is good that it was added because it can be done in real life. However, I am very concerned that it will happen far too often to be realistic. EA seems to go overboard when they implement new stuff because they want people to know its there. FG returns happen a handful of times during the entire season but knowing EA, we will see 1 or 2 a game.
This is probably my biggest concern. I agree with your comment about EA's track records when promoting certain new features because they definitely tend to go overboard (JTS, Blocked FGs, etc.) I don't want this to happen every freakin' game.
# 50 DC @ 05/13/08 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by djordan
and it begins........lol
Right I hope they don't happen frequently.

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