Backbreaker News Post

We have just posted our first preview of Backbreaker.

"Last summer, NaturalMotion announced the development of their new football game, Backbreaker, and the nature of the game has been shrouded in mystery since that time. We've known from the beginning that Backbreaker looks to become the first sports game to implement the euphoria engine, heralded for its realistic physics simulation. Information regarding the game has come in small doses since the initial announcement, but let's take a look at what we know about Backbreaker."

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Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 LingeringRegime @ 05/24/08 05:16 PM
I am very excited about this game. There is a big announcement coming soon from the Backbreaker devs about a merger of some sort.
# 82 Dudd @ 05/24/08 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by koshi
Anyone and everyone trying to call it a tech demo or a sales pitch, without even knowing what the game is about.

Yeah, reading comprehension problems... And apparently far too much idle time to let bogus ideas with little foundation creep into their puny minds.

Hold your friggin' tongues unless you can back up what you say with some substance. And if you can't see the implications of what this dev team is doing then you are a moron, doin' nothin' but stinkin' up the OS forums with nothing but hearsay and conjecture.
You can say the same thing about the Backbreaker fanboys, we've seen a few tackles and a minigame with horrendous AI, and from that they're extrapolating a game that will put Madden in its place and revolutionize football games. I'm rooting for them since I think NCAA/Madden have gotten beyond stale and I like a lot of what they're saying, not just the tackling engine but what little we know about controls. Let's just not anoint them yet without seeing full 11 on 11 gameplay, even EA can make a trailer look good.
# 83 burnwood @ 05/24/08 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by koshi
Anyone and everyone trying to call it a tech demo or a sales pitch, without even knowing what the game is about.

Yeah, reading comprehension problems... And apparently far too much idle time to let bogus ideas with little foundation creep into their puny minds.

Hold your friggin' tongues unless you can back up what you say with some substance. And if you can't see the implications of what this dev team is doing then you are a moron, doin' nothin' but stinkin' up the OS forums with nothing but hearsay and conjecture.
Let's see. One guy calls us ingrates and you are calling us morons.

Is there nothing people can do better than throw insults??

Bottom line, all I'm saying is that I haven't seen enough for me to jump around (and certainly not jump on somebody's back for not sharing enthusiasm) and get too excited for this game. When I see a full-on gameplay vid, then I'll vest more of my interest. At this point the game is like a tech demo (for me). If you get pissed at that then really, that's your own social issues to deal with. I respect your enthusiasm and in no way am I getting in the way of that. Have at it.
# 84 p_rushing @ 05/24/08 07:25 PM
EA must be buying the game in order for them not to release it.

Honestly this was probably their plan all along. They demo the engine and get some company interested. They have not released a date, limit the info/screens to nothing, and don't even have a publisher. They only show a red and blue team, not uniforms, no logos, no advertisements, etc. The game is not a demo, but I think they were trying to demo it to companies to pick it up. Now that someone has picked it up, the demo will be over and they will finalize the game for what the buyers want to make it into.

If it was originally more than a tech demo, they would have released a date, had a publisher, etc. They were just waiting for someone else to come along with the resources for that.
# 85 jmood88 @ 05/24/08 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by koshi
Anyone and everyone trying to call it a tech demo or a sales pitch, without even knowing what the game is about.
How is that dogging the game? Speculating on what form it might end up as is not talking bad about the game.
# 86 jmood88 @ 05/24/08 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdmo9999
They aren't merging with EA.

Mini-Game had bad AI because it's a freaking MINI GAME, THEY ARE MADE TO BE BEATABLE

that is all.
His point wasn't just about the AI, it was about the fact that you and others have seen almost nothing but you get defensive about the game for whatever reason.
# 87 TDKing @ 05/25/08 01:17 AM
Bad news the game is only being made for this system.... sorry couldn't resist...
Attachment 9020
# 88 jmood88 @ 05/25/08 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Bigdmo9999
I'm sorry for being passionate about something. I thought everyone has been passionate about at least one thing in their lives, but you seem to not accept it so idk what's going on there.
Lol I'm not wondering why you're passionate, I'm wondering why you are so passionate about a game that has very little media and made by a company with no track record when it comes to making games. You have no idea how good or bad this game is going to be yet you defend it like you work for NaturalMotion. What's funny is that no one has said anything about the actual game anyway, only what form it's going to come out as and for whatever reason you get offended.
# 89 allBthere @ 05/25/08 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by jmood88
Lol I'm not wondering why you're passionate, I'm wondering why you are so passionate about a game that has very little media and made by a company with no track record when it comes to making games. You have no idea how good or bad this game is going to be yet you defend it like you work for NaturalMotion. What's funny is that no one has said anything about the actual game anyway, only what form it's going to come out as and for whatever reason you get offended.
to me a lot of it has nothing to do with the game itself. It's the whole nonesense that is "tech demo" It's like calling a dog, a chair or something it's truley annoying. It's like all the thousands of people who use the word ignorant a million times a day and don't have an effing clue what it means; only this tech demo crap isn't even ironic.

Burnwood; duke nukem forever has not released =/= tech demo. There are many games that never make it out, I remember a couple years ago ign or gamespot had a great article called the 'games graveyard' or something like that. ex. Thrill kill was going to be a massive release for ps1 that was uber-violent, EA acquired the dev's right before launch and cancelled it since it didn't fit their 'image' .... there is no reason, not even in hell, to look at that situation and call it a tech demo, same for duke nukem; doing so is just an assault on the english language, and rational thought.

So, one last time; if backbreaker doesn't release =/= tech demo.
If it does release for the 360 for example and it's terrible other than the tackles =/= tech demo.
minimal info on a game =/= tech demo (I could literally well over a hundred examples, but check out the outsider at gamespot http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/acti...result;title;1
first time developer of full game =/= tech demo ( everyone's got to start somewhere and at some point, everyone did)

if you want to see a techdemo by natural motion check out their website and see the vids that they have produced which can actually be considered tech demos....GET IT!?!?!?!
# 90 stiffarmleft @ 05/25/08 12:48 PM
duke nukem = vaporware
# 91 jmood88 @ 05/25/08 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere
to me a lot of it has nothing to do with the game itself. It's the whole nonesense that is "tech demo" It's like calling a dog, a chair or something it's truley annoying.
That's a really bad analogy.
# 92 burnwood @ 05/25/08 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by stiffarmleft
duke nukem = vaporware
stiffarmleft--exactly my point. Thanks.

Originally Posted by allBthere
to me a lot of it has nothing to do with the game itself. It's the whole nonesense that is "tech demo" It's like calling a dog, a chair or something it's truley annoying. It's like all the thousands of people who use the word ignorant a million times a day and don't have an effing clue what it means; only this tech demo crap isn't even ironic.
Originally Posted by jmood88
That's a really bad analogy.
And he says I'm assaulting the English language...totally missing my point entirely in the process.

allBthere, I really don't care how you want to champion this game because it will have no effect on me. I've only expressed my stance of how I'll wait until there's substance for me to get all excited about it. I don't understand how you're "truly" annoyed about people who voice a cautious tone about a video game that isn't out, hasn't shown much in terms of substance, and from coming from an unproven developer in the genre (unproven developer period).

But if you wish to get truly annoyed. Maybe I can tell you some good 'your mama' jokes to make you feel happy.
# 93 allBthere @ 05/25/08 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
That's a really bad analogy.
says a guy who's opinion has proven to be garbage...
# 94 allBthere @ 05/25/08 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by burnwood
stiffarmleft--exactly my point. Thanks.

And he says I'm assaulting the English language...totally missing my point entirely in the process.

allBthere, I really don't care how you want to champion this game because it will have no effect on me. I've only expressed my stance of how I'll wait until there's substance for me to get all excited about it. I don't understand how you're "truly" annoyed about people who voice a cautious tone about a video game that isn't out, hasn't shown much in terms of substance, and from coming from an unproven developer in the genre (unproven developer period).

But if you wish to get truly annoyed. Maybe I can tell you some good 'your mama' jokes to make you feel happy.
you can't understand my point that's your problem, i'm not 'championing' the game as i said in the first sentence..it's your idiotic reasoning that i'm challenging.
I never said i'm truly annoyed by people using a cautious tone either, I said i'm annoyed by people calling using the term 'tech demo' out of context which you've done. you called duke nukem a tech demo

your reading comprehension skills need a boost dude
maybe when you get older you'll understand. I think i'll check to see if there's an iggy function so I don't have to read posts that are the equivalent of a fart
# 95 jmood88 @ 05/25/08 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere
says a guy who's opinion has proven to be garbage...
Proven by who?
# 96 burnwood @ 05/25/08 11:28 PM
When I get older?? Do you know who I am?

And please explain my point in detail so that I can tell that you understand. You have it twisted to the fullest degree. You sure do throw around a lot of insults and names over a damn video game. lol Sounds juvenile to me. And about Duke Nukem. The point was that it isn't here (yet). Vaporware, if you will. Same with this game as far as I'm concerned. If/When it gets here, then we have ourselves another football game. But bickering over pretty much nothing and unproven screenies are the stuff that fanboys feed off of.
# 97 Cyros @ 05/26/08 12:32 AM
Part of me feels like I'm reading a GameFAQs thread.
# 98 allBthere @ 05/26/08 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Cyros
Part of me feels like I'm reading a GameFAQs thread.
I should have used the ignore function way earlier, it's a lot cleaner here now. And you won't see more post in this thread from me that aren't about backbreaker - Like someone else said I think BB's 'partnership' will be a publisher announcement.
# 99 eDotd @ 05/26/08 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cyros
Part of me feels like I'm reading a GameFAQs thread.
# 100 marshallfever @ 06/03/08 01:59 PM
When is this game coming out again? I thought it was suppose to be sometime this summer before Madden. If it chooses to come out after Madden then its a lost cause. This year it looks like EA is doing a lot with Madden.

This game would be great to have 2 or so months before Madden, when people in need of some sort of new game/ new football game to keep them before getting NCAA09 and Madden09.

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