News Post

NCAA Strategies have just posted their first look at NCAA Football 09.

"The offensive line play seems improved in pass protection, IMO. I am not sure I would quantify it as a pure “pocket” like some of you have asked, but I didn’t got stomped by the defensive line as much as I did in 08.

In 08, online play was hampered by gamers taking advantage of the lead blocking feature with offensive linemen. If you attempted pancake blocks with them, they would blow the DL several yards deep opening up a huge hole. This year, that does not seem to be the case. I worked on this several times and only saw one pancake, but it did not result in the DL getting blasted five yards deep – only two or three. The rest of the time the players were simply engaged in a tie-up."

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Member Comments
# 81 bad_philanthropy @ 04/25/08 12:59 PM
That's some pretty disappointing info about the type of game results with 7 minute quarters on AA. I just wish more than anything like with the Show and even Madden on the EA boards that a producer would come to this board and have a dialog.
# 82 J-Unit40 @ 04/25/08 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Rebby
It'll be interesting if the tone of the review changes next week. Something is up. "A gap in communication?" Pasta Padre and NCAA Strategies have been saying all week they were going to post their impressions after the event. They do, people read it and get disappointed, and then all of the sudden they have to take them down.

Memo to EA Sports - if you made the game your core customers wanted you wouldn't have to worry about negative reviews/comments.
Shocker. EA realizes there didn't do jack about the most glaring issues with the game and a Community Day participant reports on it so there is a "gap in communication". What a joke. Here's a tip EA; fix the issues and we won't have much to be disappointed about.

Here's the real "gap in communication": We recommend/beg for improvements regarding glaring gameplay issues and EA chooses to ignore us. EA should just make the arcade version where there are 9 INTs, 3 pick-sixes, 7 fumbles, 11 "jump the snap" sacks and 125 point shootout games on 5 minute quarters on the Wii and leave the real football on the PS3 and 360.
# 83 FlyingFinn @ 04/25/08 01:42 PM
Yeah, no suprise... the info is not well received so it is squashed. Next week when it is re-released, the info will have a more positive tone - guaranteed!
# 84 JBucc @ 04/25/08 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by mercalnd
You guys have the number of games wrong. Remember there are 2 teams in every game so you need to divide by 2 to get a near accurate total number of games. The number won't be perfectly accurate because some teams played one or two games against FCS teams.
Good point I didn't realize that. That makes it about 1 int returned for a TD every 5 games.
Honestly if EA could just get it down to one every 2-3 games that would be good acceptable for me. 1-2 a game is just laughable.
# 85 SteelerSpartan @ 04/25/08 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by grunt
It is official EA is a joke. EA's pr machine must have piss their pants when they read those hand on impressions. The game is the same broken game as last year. We been through the same dog and pony show and know the song and dance.

EA knew the problems and didn't/couldn't fix the problems. I guess EA will show more stadium

Whether you believe it or not pasta posted on this and said:

"Just to be clear it had nothing to do with the content we posted. There is an embargo of May 2nd that was supposed to have been communicated to us but for whatever reason wasn't. The media sites that attended have the same embargo. However it is possible that some places have exclusives during the next week which is what the embargo would be protecting."

Still seems a tad fishy to me though
# 86 umd @ 04/25/08 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
Whether you believe it or not pasta posted on this and said:

"Just to be clear it had nothing to do with the content we posted. There is an embargo of May 2nd that was supposed to have been communicated to us but for whatever reason wasn't. The media sites that attended have the same embargo. However it is possible that some places have exclusives during the next week which is what the embargo would be protecting."

Still seems a tad fishy to me though
Hahahaha - I will give the guys credit for writing an pretty unbiased review. Then what happens? EA shuts em down.
# 87 Kodii Rockets @ 04/25/08 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
Whether you believe it or not pasta posted on this and said:

"Just to be clear it had nothing to do with the content we posted. There is an embargo of May 2nd that was supposed to have been communicated to us but for whatever reason wasn't. The media sites that attended have the same embargo. However it is possible that some places have exclusives during the next week which is what the embargo would be protecting."

Still seems a tad fishy to me though
Yeah, I agree, I'm calling straight garbage on this one...
# 88 Hey_Rebby @ 04/25/08 04:57 PM
I am calling BS on this too. You're telling me no one from EA Sports visited the NCAAStrategies or PastaPadre sites prior to yesterday's event. Those guys have been promoting there impression review for the whole week.

I'm not buying NCAA 09 just so I can "ice the kicker" or play mascot games. If the game play isn't improve then it's time for me to move on. I'll just keep playing College Hoops 2k8.
# 89 bad_philanthropy @ 04/25/08 05:16 PM
Come on guys can't you just stay positive? I'm sure all of our gameplay concerns will be addressed in the next few months and we'll laugh at how concerned we were about the pick six, and 100 point games with five minute quarters, surely that'll happen....right?

Seriously though NCAA time is my favorite release by far year in and year out so if they have made it a farce (some of you would say more than the farce it already is) I will be very, very, upset.
# 90 Russell_SCEA @ 04/25/08 05:18 PM
Man you guys just don't get it your hate for EA runs so deep you are blinded by the facts, EA could care less what Pasta and CDJ said in those impressions good or bad its not going to effect their sales of NCAA. The people those articles are going to reach are strictly hardcore gamers a total of about 10% of their consumer base for the game if that much. So it doesn't make any sense what so ever for them to censor those two community leaders.
# 91 eaglesfan27 @ 04/25/08 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by grunt
I disagree but everyone has a right to their opinion. I don't hate EA. I am disappointed that flaws from last year game is "in the game" at this point.

Same here. I'm disappointed the game-breaking flaw of too many interceptions from last year still appears to be there. As long as the same previews come up unedited next week, I'll believe that EA didn't censor these sites.
# 92 SageInfinite @ 04/25/08 05:29 PM
I don't hate EA, just the combination of EA and Tiburon .
# 93 Scott @ 04/25/08 05:33 PM
Well there goes my anticipation of NCAA
# 94 bad_philanthropy @ 04/25/08 05:38 PM
I don't think people hate EA, if they did they wouldn't have any reason to even be in this forum. I think it is mainly that a lot of us have in the past had some of our best gaming experiences playing EA football games in the era where they were constantly pushing the envelope in terms of innovation with their football games to make them more realistic, in recent years we have been disappointed because the games have lacked the qualities that previous titles did that really engaged us.

We were used to every year being able to be excited about the new football games from EA and having them deliver a package that brought us a ton of enjoyment. I can't forget that upgrade between 2001 on the PS1 and 2002 on the PS2. That is probably the ultimate example of my expectations being exceeded.

Many of the efforts of last-gen were fantastic and I feel those games really did achieve a lot in terms of being a football simulation. To me it's more like I know that they are capable of making the kind of game that we all want, because they have before, but for some reason they keep taking steps backwards which is very frustrating to those of us who have enjoyed the series for so long.
# 95 Russell_SCEA @ 04/25/08 05:43 PM
it the must buy game of the year EA would not have had them take them down.
Again you don't get it for better or for worse those previews are only going to reach the hardcore gamer. Not the casual gamer that is 90% of their consumer base not the hardcore guy. To many people fail to realize this FACT we aren't as important as we think we are. The moment you realize this the easier this process becomes.
# 96 coogrfan @ 04/25/08 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
I don't think people hate EA, if they did they wouldn't have any reason to even be in this forum.
Where the heck have you been for the last five years?
# 97 eaglesfan27 @ 04/25/08 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by russell05
Again you don't get it for better or for worse those previews are only going to reach the hardcore gamer. Not the casual gamer that is 90% of their consumer base not the hardcore guy. To many people fail to realize this FACT we aren't as important as we think we are. The moment you realize this the easier this process becomes.

If they keep having close to double digit percentage sales losses, that is going to have some effect on the suits at the top. It has happened with Madden in previous years and it will happen with NCAA if they keep losing the hard core gamers..

Also, great post, Bad-Philanthropy.
# 98 SidVish @ 04/25/08 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
Well there goes my anticipation of NCAA

Yeah pretty much but I thought they would at least tone down a few of the glaring issues. Hopefully, the sliders actually work this year because I'm not going to play the NBA Jam edition of NCAA football again. I swear if they just switched the coding for punting and incompletions with int ret for td and qb ai I'd be happy as all hell.
# 99 mercalnd @ 04/25/08 05:48 PM
What I'd like to know is if it's truly a matter of EA not wanting negative impressions out there, how does pushing them back a week help?

I'm not pleased about some of the things I've read in these impressions but I think somesome of you are just seeing conspiracies all the time when it comes ot EA.

This doesn't add up to me. Now, if a week from now the articles are reposted but all the negative stuff is gone then you guys will have a point but until then EA gains nothing by delaying negative impressions by a week.
# 100 bad_philanthropy @ 04/25/08 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by coogrfan
Where the heck have you been for the last five years?
They really just hate EA? They aren't just angry because they want them to make better games?

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