News Post

Eurogamer has posted their Don King Presents: Prizefighter preview.

"The career mode in the game is, according to 2K Sports, its pivotal feature. It's certainly the game's most interesting and novel aspect. Beginning with a flash-forward to the start of a fight near the end of your career, it takes the format of a sports documentary - with a series of talking heads discussing the career ascent of your character, The Kid, through the ranks of the greats in the 70s."

Game: Don King Presents: PrizefighterReader Score: 3.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 10 - View All
Don King Presents: Prizefighter Videos
Member Comments
# 1 NYG_Meth @ 04/17/08 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Eurogamer has posted their Don King Presents: Prizefighter preview.
Wrong forum. WHAMMY!
# 2 Steve_OS @ 04/17/08 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by NYG_Meth
Wrong forum. WHAMMY!
# 3 NYG_Meth @ 04/17/08 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
You can't just move this from the "All Other Sports" forum to the "Boxing" forum and think no one noticed. I NOTICED!
# 4 fistofrage @ 04/17/08 10:17 AM
This is horrible news on the career front. You lose, Game over. How heinous is that? Fighting "Bosses" to ulock them. Aye Yi Yi...............
# 5 Steve_OS @ 04/17/08 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
This is horrible news on the career front. You lose, Game over. How heinous is that? Fighting "Bosses" to ulock them. Aye Yi Yi...............
I find that rather disappointing as well.

Dunno what you are talkin' about Meth.
# 6 NYG_Meth @ 04/17/08 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
This is horrible news on the career front. You lose, Game over. How heinous is that? Fighting "Bosses" to ulock them. Aye Yi Yi...............
Wow. That's a HUGE bummer. I don't know what they were thinking.
# 7 aholbert32 @ 04/17/08 10:56 AM
This has gone from must buy to rental in a hurry. I'm not a big career mode guy but that lose and game over stuff is just dumb. Just an idiotic way to construct a career mode. Also, I'm starting to get the feeling that you can only create 5 fighters. I know you can only take 5 online but I havent seen any mention of creating fighters and that makes me think that you may be limited to 5.
# 8 fistofrage @ 04/17/08 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
This has gone from must buy to rental in a hurry. I'm not a big career mode guy but that lose and game over stuff is just dumb. Just an idiotic way to construct a career mode. Also, I'm starting to get the feeling that you can only create 5 fighters. I know you can only take 5 online but I havent seen any mention of creating fighters and that makes me think that you may be limited to 5.

This is getting real bad, real quick. All they had to do was go into the Fight Night Forums and read how much we wanted a career mode with rankings, a stable of boxers, etc. Instead, they make Ken Norton's punchout 2008. 2k sports wonders why they are dying. Its because EA sports opens the door and they fumble the ball away.
# 9 Complex @ 04/17/08 11:14 AM
Its a shame that the best boxing career mode resides on a handheld and is made in japan.
# 10 BezO @ 04/17/08 12:38 PM
Ah well. Another game aimed at kids half my age. Why won't these companies just mimic the sport. Boxing fans like boxing. A game designed to replicate the sport will be fun to those fans. No need to add or subract from the sport.
# 11 Vast @ 04/17/08 12:50 PM
this is ridiculous!

this is like if Call of Duty 4 comes out and if a bullet misses its target then game over. wtf???

boxers are supposed to lose.... eventually. Only one man ever retired undefeated, boxing is one of the most unpredictable sports. Yet 2k believes we want to be told how we win or lose and when to do it.

How about game over for 2k boxing. this game is going to flop HARD.
# 12 Motown @ 04/17/08 01:04 PM
This game is "trash" after reading this s***

"The game is also fast - very fast, if the bouts we saw are anything to judge by. While acknowledging that Fight Night Round 3 is the main competition - and arguably the benchmark for the boxing genre - 2K Sports has chosen to go entirely the other direction. The game still looks great, but seems to have sacrificed detail for speed, with a control system that owes more to Street Fighter (albeit with simpler combos)"
# 13 Chibi @ 04/17/08 01:14 PM
That sounds as awful as THQ's wrestling games. How do you miss the mark so badly?
# 14 fistofrage @ 04/17/08 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Motown
This game is "trash" after reading this s***

"The game is also fast - very fast, if the bouts we saw are anything to judge by. While acknowledging that Fight Night Round 3 is the main competition - and arguably the benchmark for the boxing genre - 2K Sports has chosen to go entirely the other direction. The game still looks great, but seems to have sacrificed detail for speed, with a control system that owes more to Street Fighter (albeit with simpler combos)"
Absolutely everything about this game is starting to crumble. I had to check my calendar and make sure this wasn't April Fools day.

The sad thing is that I felt this game wouldn't really appeal to the mainstream from the getgo. Now they have removed alot of sim elements. Exactly what audience are they going to target this game to?
# 15 allBthere @ 04/17/08 02:04 PM
i knew having these 'rocky legends' dev's would eventually end in disaster. I now think that they don't WANT to make a good game,...they want to make a crappy game and tease us that it could have been good.

i'm no longer following this, may rent it, if the demo is compelling enough to warrant further play.

what a colossal phail.
# 16 allBthere @ 04/17/08 02:09 PM
This game sounds exactly like the first 'prizefighter' on sega CD, your name 'the kid' was even the same...are they trying to use that trademark as well?
# 17 Vast @ 04/17/08 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere
This game sounds exactly like the first 'prizefighter' on sega CD, your name 'the kid' was even the same...are they trying to use that trademark as well?
yeah ******** i know. Well at least if you were a fan of that game you'll love this one.

With a career mode just as linear as that one too.

What pisses me off is the audacity the producer of this game has to call out fight night and trash talk about dropping the ball. Even if the gameplay is incredible 2k still DROPPED THE BALL.
# 18 fistofrage @ 04/17/08 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Vast
yeah ******** i know. Well at least if you were a fan of that game you'll love this one.

With a career mode just as linear as that one too.

What pisses me off is the audacity the producer of this game has to call out fight night and trash talk about dropping the ball. Even if the gameplay is incredible 2k still DROPPED THE BALL.
Co-sign, Preach on brother Vast.
# 19 Vast @ 04/18/08 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
Its NOT 1 and done. This was confirmed today. Its NOT true.
link please?
# 20 aholbert32 @ 04/18/08 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Vast
link please?
Right here:


Ronnie Singh is a mod on the forums and he says its not one in done in this thread.

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