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VideoGamer has posted an interview with Kazunori Yamauchi, Creator and Producer of the Gran Turismo series.

VideoGamer: "Is Prologue something you had always planned to make? When you started work on GT5 is it something you envisaged putting out from the beginning?"

Kazunori: "Of course, it would have been great to release Gran Turismo 5 off the bat. We'd have liked to have done that, but our decision was that at this point it's too early to call it the full version of Gran Turismo, so that's why it ended up being named Prologue. So, to answer your question, we didn't plan on producing Prologue, it just ended up that way."

Game: Gran Turismo 5 PrologueReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 8 - View All
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