MLB 2K8 News Post

One of the Forum Admins over at 2K Sports has posted the following details about the upcoming patch for Major League Baseball 2K8.

"According to my call at Microsoft, the Patch should go live on XBOX 360 tonight. We are currently in the process of checking with Sony about there patch release, and I would say to check tonight about that but that's looking more like a tomorrow release. Thank you for your patience and I am glad to provide this to you as I was hopeful of doing so."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 DonkeyJote @ 04/01/08 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by gilgamesh348
I told you guys last night on page 3 that there will be no patch today and no one believed me and you all criticized me for it.

Look who was right and who was wrong. Today is here and there is no patch.
It's not so much they what you were saying. It's that you were a jackass about it. And here you are again, jackassing it up.
# 62 pdawg17 @ 04/01/08 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by gilgamesh348
I told you guys last night on page 3 that there will be no patch today and no one believed me and you all criticized me for it.

Look who was right and who was wrong. Today is here and there is no patch.
I'll send you the golden twinkie award for showing you were right...
# 63 crumpled_heap @ 04/01/08 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by mattstl77
The "day" is not over yet genius. Try trolling on a different thread.
But that has nothing to do with the fact that the 2k employee said the patch would be out LAST NIGHT, and you all believed him.

I just took that further by saying that it wouldn't even be out today. So you were already wrong even if it does come out today even though it won't.
# 64 crumpled_heap @ 04/01/08 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by ronnie.singh
According to my call at Microsoft, the Patch should go live on XBOX 360 tonight.
And according to my call at Microsoft, the stupid customer service people that just read off their little paper had no clue about any patch.
# 65 slickkill77 @ 04/01/08 01:01 PM
Guys, if anything Microsoft customer service knows nothing. Also he said it MAY be out today
# 66 Sedihawk2K5 @ 04/01/08 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by EsaQue
Well, if it works it way from user to user, I should be able to download it by now, and I can't. I live about an hour from the Microsoft studios. Actually been there for play testing - cool campus. Most days, I'd give people the benefit of the doubt, but being that it is April Fools, I'm a little skeptical.
I live in Mill Creek, about 10 miles from Redmond. I tried an hour ago and no patch. Who knows if location really matters or not?
# 67 areobee401 @ 04/01/08 01:19 PM
If I get the patch tonight or two weeks from now is no big deal to me. But 2k has taken more L's in the last two month then anyone or anything.

One would think that 2k a company that needs all the help it can get at this point would actually try and get info out to fans better. Atleast the right info that is.
# 68 Happy29 @ 04/01/08 01:19 PM
I dont think location matters. All computers go to the same internet all xbox 360's go to the same xbox live
# 69 ckarlic @ 04/01/08 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by areobee401
If I get the patch tonight or two weeks from now is no big deal to me. But 2k has taken more L's in the last two month then anyone or anything.

One would think that 2k a company that needs all the help it can get at this point would actually try and get info out to fans better. Atleast the right info that is.
I agree..2k bit the big one with this game...Some people are enjoying this game nonetheless but I cant, for the life of play a whole game without getting pissed. IMO, the Show plays a better game and is soooo much more enjoyable. I have 2k8 for the 360 and prolly played it for 20 , "incomplete" games. When im done i jump on MLB08 the show.
# 70 areobee401 @ 04/01/08 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23
he needs the golden "Card" award for being such a jackass
No he is just being honest. This patch update is turning into the game demo. Just like the demo was released after the release of the game the patch will be released after the world series.
# 71 TJdaSportsGuy @ 04/01/08 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by gilgamesh348
I told you guys last night on page 3 that there will be no patch today and no one believed me and you all criticized me for it.

Look who was right and who was wrong. Today is here and there is no patch.
Congrats, you were right. Now move on before you find your posting privileges were somehow disabled. You are trolling, plain and simple.
# 72 awesomepatrol @ 04/01/08 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by arseniotall
it was just announced that the patch has NOT been posted yet on xbox live as the maintenance may have gotten in the way. This is according to a 2k mod at 2ksportsforum. So i don't know what the hell EMC was talking about. I also cannot understand why people lie about getting games and patches early, but its a free country.

Amazing how it's always Microsoft's fault. And Sony's fault. And so on.

I did appreciate that the 2K mod asked for "patience," though.
# 73 Altimus @ 04/01/08 02:50 PM
This is the new thread regarding patch talk.


Keep this one clean and keep all the bickering to yourself as it does nothing.


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