MLB 2K8 News Post

Wil McCombs of Operation Sports has written an article discussing the impact the OS Community had on his decision in regards to purchasing Major League Baseball 2k8.

"The verdict is in on MLB 2K8, and unfortunately for 2K sports, the sole MLB title for Xbox 360 has not been cleared of all charges. Although I have not yet had the pleasure of taking this year’s edition of the MLB 2K series for a test drive, I have read numerous reviews (on this site and others), and more importantly, monitored the chatter here in our very own OS forums."

Major League Baseball 2K8 screenshot gallery - Click to view Major League Baseball 2K8 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 allstar3970 @ 03/27/08 04:03 PM
i have the game, and enjoy it despite its flaws.....most of the community's criticisms have validity in my opinion, its just a matter of how much these flaws bother you. To me, the pitching system (truly awesome and makes every pitch count) improved hitting, baseball card collecting and overall fun overcome those faults, though again, i see how others may disagree. I would suggest holding off on buying, but definitely rent it for a couple of days...( i dont think the demo on Live is enough of a sample to make a decision, i find this with most sports games)
# 2 mrnickyb @ 03/27/08 04:49 PM
I'm a big Show fan and I also still love playing MVP '05. Last year's MLB 2k game stunk. Every other play was either a hr or a robbed hr. This year the gameplay is actually pretty good. People having trouble giving up hr's just aren't pitching well. The sliders have corrected the small gameplay problems such as AI pitchers not throwing enough balls or varying speeds/hitting corners. Also, the AI baserunning needed to be toned down because the AI was running itself out of innings trying to advance on wp's and pb's. The problems with the game are only with bugs and glitches, not gameplay. This is a shame and certainly warrants gamers being upset. If you don't pick it up make sure it is because of bug issues, not gameplay. Once you learn how to pitch and tweak the sliders the gameplay is quite good.
# 3 Pared @ 03/28/08 03:53 PM
You're describing what many of us have been doing with football recently.

Come hell or high water... it's about time to start waiting for impressions of a game before running out and buying it day one.
# 4 CFav @ 03/31/08 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
You're describing what many of us have been doing with football recently.

Come hell or high water... it's about time to start waiting for impressions of a game before running out and buying it day one.
i agree 100%
# 5 mgoblue @ 03/31/08 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
You're describing what many of us have been doing with football recently.

Come hell or high water... it's about time to start waiting for impressions of a game before running out and buying it day one.
I don't buy Madden and am considering not buying NCAA this year...

The Show is the first baseball game I've owned in years.

Hockey and soccer have usually had one of the two series be good, so I always have one of those.

I got CH 2k8 and it didn't suck me in. Looks like my last basketball game for a while (2k is stale, and EA's 2 bball games suck).

I'm not as much of a sports gamer as I used to be, but when there's a quality game out there I play the hell out of it. NHL, Fifa, Skate all come to mind right now (along with The Show, that game's RTTS mode has single-handedly made me care about baseball videogames again).
# 6 Shinyhubcaps @ 03/31/08 11:50 PM
Does anyone know when the MLB 2K8 demo was released for the Xbox 360? It came out for the PS3 the week after it was released in stores, while MLB 08 came out the week before the retail release. MLB 08 is the first baseball game I've owned since MVP 2005, and I have to say, the demo was bundled so nicely that it was hard to not check out this game. I did buy it first day, and it was a risk, but it did pay off. I think that Sony may have intentionally released the 2K8 demo later so that people would buy their product on launch day.

As an individual who plays mostly sports games, there are still others that I'd like to check into, but I haven't been around here long enough to know what people's impressions are like or if I could use said impressions in making my purchasing decisions. Demos are basically my number one form of impressions, but that leaves out so much as far as actual game modes.
# 7 ExtremeGamer @ 04/01/08 08:20 AM
I don't get this article at all, a few paragraphs on why you didn't buy the game...uh, ok. Congrats? Can't wait to read the hard hitting article on why you didn't buy the Hannah Montana DS game.

Your article would have been locked if it was posted on the forums by the way
# 8 TJdaSportsGuy @ 04/01/08 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
It's a thesis on circumventing the corporate hype machine. But IMO, one allows themselves to be hyped by the corporate machine, not the other way around. And any intelligent and self-respecting person doesn't do that, bottomline.
EG's not going to understand that reply. Too many big words.
# 9 ExtremeGamer @ 04/01/08 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by TJdaSportsGuy
EG's not going to understand that reply. Too many big words.

That's the best you can do?
# 10 allBthere @ 04/01/08 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
It's a thesis on circumventing the corporate hype machine. But IMO, one allows themselves to be hyped by the corporate machine, not the other way around. And any intelligent and self-respecting person doesn't do that, bottomline.
Actually I think the article is more of a reflection of how society is increasingly self-aware. Most people see ads more as just a piece of media rather than something that will actually get them to buy something. Recently when EA's Moore spoke about his satisfaction with the Madden franchise, he pointed towards 'metacritic' - i thought that was interesting, but also quite clever. He wasn't saying that 'hey the ny times gave it 5 stars', it was pointing to the consolidation of many reviews and opinions to reveal multiple perspectives of the game still come away positive. - ( I don't think it even deserves it metacritic rating,but that's a diff topic.) you as the consumer, provided you are interested in a product - can go to great lengths to find out more about it without leaving getting off your ash. This is a reflection of that to me.

Anyway I did the same thing the article suggests w/ madden 08 and took a pass w/o even renting.

One thing I wish game journalists would lose is their language 'buzz word culture'. The term "sadly" is WAY overused, and when I see it, it actually pisses me off now. I guess it started a year or more ago, and continues to thrive. years ago there was "the house that microsoft built" ex. "the house that ________built". You would see that on every site almost daily. Now "sadly" is much worse - it's multiple sites, multiple times daily to the point where it is used by Forum posters! It isn't 'sad' dammit ...I wish every article would be edited automatically and 'sadly' would be replaced with the much more fitting 'too bad', or 'bit of a shame' or something more appropriate.


ps. nice soap opera going on above .. ooooh i wonder what's going to happen next!?
# 11 allBthere @ 04/01/08 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Correct... which, in conjunction with discussion forums such as this one, leads to the possibility of circumventing the corporate hype machine!
yeah. Interesting thought is the cause of this shift - more like causes, and the internet is certainly one of them. I also think that it's also part of a natural flow of constantly shifting attitudes. We would think it's funny now looking at people's responses to ad's in the past. Hell, in the 50s sociological studies showed that the majority of TV owners spoke to their televisions during programs as if the people were actually with them!
I think we're better off this way
# 12 Herbsinator @ 04/01/08 11:57 PM
I hate to pile on with the criticism of the writing, but at the end of the article I think the word you are looking for is imminent and not immanent.

Imminent means that something is inevitable or looming and immanent is used in a philosophical or religious context. It basically means inherent.

Here is a website that outlines the difference:

On a side note it came off as irresponsible journalism to me that someone would write an article that took a negative stance on a video game, but not actually play the game. People read the articles on this site because they are assuming that the people writing the articles are well informed about what they are writing about (i.e. ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAMES THEY ARE WRITING ABOUT). If you wanted to write an editorial about the sports game industry in general and write about "circumventing the machine" I would be totally fine with that, but it seems that mentioning games you haven't actually played shows a glaring lack of research. I know most of you guys probably aren't professional journalists by trade so I will cut you some slack, but I honestly think you guys may need a strong revising process. Somebody needs to edit not only for grammatical errors and typos, but actually look at the content of the article. I'm in college, I'm an English major and I write papers every day. I'll be the first to say that I am not a perfect writer (probably not even a great writer), but I do know a thing or two. Behind every good writer is a good editor who can tell what is wrong with a piece and knows how to fix it. Find a good editor and you will see the quality of the articles increase immensely.
# 13 spankdatazz22 @ 04/02/08 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Herbsinator
On a side note it came off as irresponsible journalism to me that someone would write an article that took a negative stance on a video game, but not actually play the game.
Unfortunately the old Maddenm - I mean the new OS seems full of opinion that may get misconstrued as journalism. I'd guess like IGN or any of these other gaming sites, they're full of people no different than you or I with their own preferences or biases but without the need to adhere to certain journalistic standards. I don't mind the opinion pieces as long as there's some sort of balance. Seeing the somewhat consistent negativity being directed towards MLB2K8 while we get it's-okay-to-cross-our-fingers-and-hope opinions on the only choices we have for the football games seems out of whack.

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