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According to VideoGamer, a new WWE video game announcement is coming on Friday. Any guesses as to what it might be? Probably painfully obvious, huh?

"The announcement will follow the 6th Annual THQ Superstar Challenge, taking place at the House of Blues in Orlando on March 27. A total of 16 Superstars will compete in a single-elimination tournament to decide the new king or queen of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008. Reigning Challenge champion Elijah Burke will defend his title against superstars including Randy Orton, Carlito, Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy and Ashley."

Game: WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw 2008Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Wireless / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Qb @ 03/27/08 09:48 AM
Assuming the announcement is the impending release of SVR 09, I hope that they put serious time into the 24/7 mode. The idea is great, but the execution was downright terrible. Not being able to use any wrestler on the roster was pathetic and that you usually face only mid-carders was annoying at best. I guess the developers figured that everyone would use the top guys so they kept them out of the storylines for the most part. I could go on and on about the myriad of ways they could make the mode more interactive and enjoyable, but I think that goes for everyone.

Also, could we please go after the IC & US belts, preferably before we get a chance at the HW belt? Oh and cutscenes that actually are in context would be nice as well. Why on earth would I slap five or shadow box with my opponent backstage before our match? Unless you're trying to tell me wrestling is fake or something...
# 2 Spectre @ 03/27/08 09:51 AM
IMHO they need to completely scrap 24/7

Go back to text dialogue between wrestlers- the voice acting is a waste of disk space and is not memorable at all. Most importantly, it prevents using created wrestlers in any story mode. Lame

I think SvR 09 is going to be a complete crapfest so I have no expectations whatsoever. That series is so stale right now.
# 3 CanuckJ @ 03/27/08 10:00 AM
How about using a created singles title in ANY type of match. I just created a belt with a friend and max out its attributes but we can't defend it in a elimination chamber, hell in a cell, triple threat or any kind of match beyond 2 people. Yet all the regular titles can be defended like that. Its really stupid.

oh ya and get rid of the showman, dirty and that crap. I hate being stuck with 2 measly things and not be able to do other moves.
# 4 statum71 @ 03/27/08 12:48 PM
I hate that THQ has exclusive rights to WWE games. I'm a big wrestling fan but I hardly ever play SVR08. Someone else needs to put out a game totally different.

The replay value just isn't very high.
# 5 DTX3 @ 03/27/08 12:53 PM
I heard that JR posted on one of his blogs that THQ was working on a new concept video game...so im not sure if its just SVR09.
# 6 Thrash13 @ 03/27/08 01:01 PM
Making the Wii version worth playing would be a good start. The Wii version had serious potential, but a bunch of 1 and 2 minute matches just doesn't get it done for me. They have some work to do on that version for sure.

It's Wrestlemania weekend, so that just means the announcement of SD vs. RAW 09. Nothing big, but I'm sure we will get our usual teaser trailer.
# 7 CanuckJ @ 03/27/08 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by statum71
I hate that THQ has exclusive rights to WWE games. I'm a big wrestling fan but I hardly ever play SVR08. Someone else needs to put out a game totally different.

The replay value just isn't very high.
Thank god for the TNA game developed by midway, hopefully THQ and the wwe will have to sit up and take notice come June 24th.
# 8 CWood2 @ 03/27/08 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by CanuckJ
Thank god for the TNA game developed by midway, hopefully THQ and the wwe will have to sit up and take notice come June 24th.
Thank God for Japanese imports like KOC II
# 9 sportznut02 @ 03/27/08 10:43 PM
i`d love to see them make a legends game since Vince owns just about everything
# 10 CaptainZombie @ 03/27/08 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by sportznut02
i`d love to see them make a legends game since Vince owns just about everything
Sportz, not too sure if you were on my site today, but I reported from IGN that it is confirmed for tomorrow: WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 is Official... + they have 9 pages worth of content.
# 11 Spectre @ 03/28/08 12:09 AM

Tag-team is the new feature they're pushing for this version? You gotta be kidding me

Looks like this is SvR2007, version 1.2 since SvR2008 was clearly just SvR2007 with patch 1.1

Create a finisher is neat but the screens of the game look... identical to the last two versions. I read the interview at its just PR spin over and over. They say they're trying to "drastically" cut down loading times, I don't buy that for one sec. Then they have the audacity to say the commentary isn't that bad- I want some of what the THQ guys are smoking if they believe that's true.

For all the crap Madden gets, this series is far worse in terms of recycling the same game over and over. Wonder what fired WWE Superstar will feature prominently in this game? Bobby Lashley is my guess
# 12 J_Posse @ 03/28/08 12:22 AM
I totally skipped '08 out of apathy. I'm truly praying that Yukes and THQ will finally, after two years on current-gen, produce a strong, polished and innovative title. They've gotta redefine and improve the gameplay, while giving a more realistic (it isn't "real," I know) presentation of wrestling.

And, if they give us another small roster then they should at least make the wrestlers have their near-exact moveset for God's sake. Stop removing moves and add the actual wrestler specific name of the move, and not "spinebuster 1,000" and "spear 225."
# 13 Spectre @ 03/28/08 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by J_Posse512
I totally skipped '08 out of apathy. I'm truly praying that Yukes and THQ will finally, after two years on current-gen, produce a strong, polished and innovative title. They've gotta redefine and improve the gameplay, while giving a more realistic (it isn't "real," I know) presentation of wrestling.

And, if they give us another small roster then they should at least make the wrestlers have their near-exact moveset for God's sake. Stop removing moves and add the actual wrestler specific name of the move, and not "spinebuster 1,000" and "spear 225."
I was exactly like you

I just didn't care to get it- I had no reason to do so. Everything about the game was so bland.

After reading the whole interview, there's some stuff that's more exciting and I hope THQ carries them out well.

1) Looks like 24/7 is going the way of the dodo- thank goodness. I got two words for 24/7...

2) Create a Finisher- this could be a LOT of fun

3) Redone animations- some of the transition animations were laughably bad

4) Decreased loading times- I'll believe this when I see this. SvR is one of the most clunky games ever from menu to menu.

5) Wrestler-specific storylines in career mode: this is huge. I had a great Randy Orton career in 07 and it pissed me off to no end that I was getting friendly calls from Rey Mysterio and other guys he shouldn't talk to. This would give more legs to Story mode since each wrestler would have a unique experience.
# 14 DTX3 @ 03/28/08 01:00 PM
Downloadable content seems interesting...could it be roster updates? i hope so.
# 15 ILLCHILL @ 03/28/08 03:50 PM
I just picked up 08 this earlier in the week and me and my buddy are having a blast playing multiplayer. I'm bringing him to Smackdown in a couple weeks and he's playing this game to kind of get into wresatling and he thinks its great.

I played the hell out of GM Mode in 07, and I'll start up an 08 one once i unlock everyone.

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