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Since there is always a debate on which player models are better, we've just posted a screenshot comparison between NCAA Football 09, 08 and 07. What are your thoughts?

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Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Steve_OS @ 03/21/08 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Oldschool17

Graphics and visuals are not what EA needs to worry about...The player models look beautiful and have been beautiful since NCAA hit next Gen. The area that can enhance the models is the overall gameplay, atmosphere, presentation and a broadcast style presentation that has left both NCAA and Madden rather hollow after the graphics...

I don't think NCAA needs to worry about Graphics...If they can have full player models on the sidelines that are the same quality as on the field while improving the gameplay and adding immersive 2k-ish presentation then those additions will help me appreciate the beautiful player models 10 fold.
Yup, I agree 100%. But there are people that love to talk about the differences in the models, no matter how small of a difference. So I figured I'd give them something to talk about.
# 2 D.Winn @ 03/22/08 12:37 AM

I think the player models for 09 are much sharper and more detailed than the previous versions. Each year looked good to me, but i do see the detail they put into the model. I agree with oldschool17 when he mentions 2k-ish presentation and the overall atmosphere. Im not sure why its that hard to focus on improving these things instead of adding gimmicks. The game is still months away so we have hope.
# 3 trobinson97 @ 03/22/08 08:02 AM
I honestly can't see a difference. It probably would have been made easier if the comparison was done with the same teams, i.e. 07 Oregon player vs 08 Oregon player. As it is, I can't tell the difference in models with those screens.
# 4 JohnDoe8865 @ 03/22/08 08:44 AM
From those screens, I can't see much of a difference either.
# 5 J-Unit40 @ 03/22/08 10:10 AM
There isn't a significant difference. The main areas that needed to be adjusted was pad height, sleeve length on the uniform, pregnant OL and actual leg pads. The more important problem is the player movement. The models themselves don't seem to move naturally for some reason. The running motion was just off to some degree and when you cut there was too much of that herky-jerkyness.

Who knows though. The jerky movements may be reduced in '09 due to the new user-control jukes and moves and such.
# 6 Mizzou23 @ 03/22/08 11:11 AM
I don't notice much of a difference from year to year. All I know is that every year, something new is added and not implemented very well (homefield advantage, composure, jump the snap etc) or something with the gameplay that wasn't a problem before will all of a sudden become a problem (06 with easy bombs, drops, too many INT's).

Basically I haven't been 100% happy with an EA product since '04, although I did enjoy the last installment quite a bit (but still there are way too many INT's). But there have been many more misses than hits as of late on this franchise.
# 7 coogrfan @ 03/22/08 06:48 PM
MadScientist over at MaddenMatrix posted the following direct comparison pic (09 vs 08):

# 8 J-Unit40 @ 03/22/08 06:58 PM
Based on that comparison by MadScientist, I like the new models a lot better. Good find. The shoulder pads and body proportions are much better.
# 9 TeeDogg @ 03/22/08 07:45 PM
the lighting in last years game (07) was amazing. especialy games right at sunset. seems toned down in 08, i asume to upgrade other graphics and increase frame rate (which is cool) but made for some nice screen shots in 07.
# 10 countryboy @ 03/23/08 11:23 AM
the '09 player models seem to "stand out" more. Probably due to the new lighting that EA has implemented this year.
# 11 Tomba @ 03/24/08 12:09 AM
I don't wanna muddy up this thread with hate BUT.

NCAA 08 was near perfect in it's "core" visuals. And from what I've seen and most importantly READ NCAA 09 is gonna mess up 08's visuals up. they've messed with the lighting model which was absolutely stunning last year and it seems like they went and beefed up players as well which should have been left skinny.

I seriously doubt that EA will do good by both their football titles this year and thats why i am avoiding them like the plague this year.

I truly LIKED the look and feel of NCAA last year. their lighitng was again stunning and me just reading the fact that they've gone and "improved " it worried me so much along with messing with the colors of the game etc that were almost perfect last years. where they needed to add stuff was players on the sidelines and more cut scene action along with maybe better 'snow" effects.

i fear the absolute worst for this years football titles the absolute worst...
# 12 SageInfinite @ 03/24/08 12:17 AM
Looking at the comparison on pastpadres site, 09 looks really good and alot better than 08.
# 13 gamecox3 @ 03/24/08 02:03 AM

This is Jeremy Young QB Southern Miss, He is not that ripped(although he is 215) And he is wearing the wrong gear I haven't found a picture of him wearing that facemask yet.
# 14 coogrfan @ 03/24/08 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Tomba321
I don't wanna muddy up this thread with hate BUT.

NCAA 08 was near perfect in it's "core" visuals. And from what I've seen and most importantly READ NCAA 09 is gonna mess up 08's visuals up. they've messed with the lighting model which was absolutely stunning last year and it seems like they went and beefed up players as well which should have been left skinny.

I seriously doubt that EA will do good by both their football titles this year and thats why i am avoiding them like the plague this year.

I truly LIKED the look and feel of NCAA last year. their lighitng was again stunning and me just reading the fact that they've gone and "improved " it worried me so much along with messing with the colors of the game etc that were almost perfect last years. where they needed to add stuff was players on the sidelines and more cut scene action along with maybe better 'snow" effects.

i fear the absolute worst for this years football titles the absolute worst...
Dude, come on. NCAA 08's player models needed work bad. The shoulder pads were absurdly oversized and the lineman were all built like Santa Claus.
# 15 SageInfinite @ 03/24/08 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by coogrfan
Dude, come on. NCAA 08's player models needed work bad. The shoulder pads were absurdly oversized and the lineman were all built like Santa Claus.
. 09's look alot better from what we've seen. I actually can't wait to see and hear more about 09.
# 16 ausar72 @ 03/24/08 12:56 PM
Looks like they are bringing back more details to the player models like 07. That was one thing I noticed on last years game. I believe they made the sacrifice for the performance jump (60 fps). I like the new look. Though it's a shame we have to worry about whether or not they are neglecting other much more neglected areas of the game (presentation and atmosphere) in order to keep "refining" the player models. In truth, the news I'd really like to hear is about a new broadcast presentation system, return of team specific entrances, x number of NEW lines of commentary added etc...

At this point, beyond the obvious continued gameplay improvements, it really is all about enhancing the immersion factor.

# 17 SageInfinite @ 03/24/08 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by ausar72
Looks like they are bringing back more details to the player models like 07. That was one thing I noticed on last years game. I believe they made the sacrifice for the performance jump (60 fps). I like the new look. Though it's a shame we have to worry about whether or not they are neglecting other much more neglected areas of the game (presentation and atmosphere) in order to keep "refining" the player models. In truth, the news I'd really like to hear is about a new broadcast presentation system, return of team specific entrances, x number of NEW lines of commentary added etc...

At this point, beyond the obvious continued gameplay improvements, it really is all about enhancing the immersion factor.

TRUE STORY. Like I've stated before the gameplay isn't as bad to me as some people make it out to be. It's the presentation, atmosphere and the immersion that this game lacks so badly(as well as Madden).
# 18 jdrhammer @ 03/24/08 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by SageTheInfinite
TRUE STORY. Like I've stated before the gameplay isn't as bad to me as some people make it. It's the presentation, atmosphere and the immersion the this game lacks so badly(as well as Madden).
Same here. Gameplay needs some work but if the look and feel are there, then I can understand it. If everything is in(AI, Equipment, Correct and Alt. Uni's etc.), I can understand gameplay still needing tweaking. Then, fix it in the patch ASAP and I'll understand and never bitch.
# 19 olemiss86 @ 03/24/08 06:57 PM
alternate jerseys
# 20 Pared @ 03/25/08 10:38 AM
Wow... I guess I'm alone in the way I feel:

The models look slightly better in an up close, still picture that you're rarely going to appreciate anyway. SO WHAT? What does that matter when there is no atmosphere, no immersion in the game and a terrible broadcast/presentation of the game at hand.

No of these graphical updates truly matter. They highlight minor difference like this so you have something to talk about amongst yourselves while we don't get the changes this franchise needed.

Is this what we have to resort to? Taking one or two images and studying them with a magnifying glass trying to find any minor change we can? This is next-gen gaming?

It continues to amaze me everyday just how (IMO) irrelevant football gaming has become. I used to LOVE football gaming... and now I spend a lot more time enjoying Hoops and Baseball. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not alone.

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