News Post

As many of you know some kind folks from Sony have been answering your questions about how the gameplay works in MLB '08: The Show. The following article is a short compilation of some of the notes Chris Clements, MLB '08: The Show lead animator, submitted before they started taking questions. Look for a full compilation early next week!

"Various representatives from SCEA have answered some questions on our forums. For those of you wanting some specifics on MLB 08: The Show I recommend you check this article out. Some of the topics include: whether to use guess pitch or not; what pitching meter to use and how the difficulty levels play; and much much more. SCEA has also been taking questions and we are compiling the answers that have been provided to get a more complete story for the beginning of next week, so expect even more information coming out of the forums very soon!"

Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 tfigs121 @ 03/21/08 05:54 PM
Awesome compilation. Thanks.
# 2 PhantomPain @ 03/21/08 06:51 PM
That is perfect, thanks for doing that.

FYI: The section for "Learn to Own the Plate" and "Stay ahead of the AI" have the same information.

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