News Post

Whoever said you can't decide who is going to play in the World Series this fall during spring training obviously never met our very own Chase Becotte and Matt Gagnon. Gagnon, an avid Red Sox fan, anticipates a World Series that would pain Yankee fans nationwide by matching up the Boston Red Sox with the New York Mets. Gagnon decided to challenge Chase Becotte to a seven game series to decide The Show superiority on the OS Staff.

Unfortunately for Gagnon, Becotte's Mets are coming ready to play. This is the beginning of a four part series (seven if necessary) of a simulation of the "future" World Series (ie. Gagnon's just wanting the Sox to win a fourth championship in the past 100 years). So without further adieu, here is game 1.

Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Rob_NYY @ 03/21/08 12:44 PM
Very stupid of "Francona" having Delcarmen start the 10th. Should have been Papelbon.
# 2 ExtremeGamer @ 03/21/08 01:37 PM
An OS World Series with 2 guys who weren't OS'ers as of 2 months ago.

# 3 Lintyfresh85 @ 03/21/08 02:41 PM
But we all know its the best article OS can afford.
# 4 Pared @ 03/21/08 03:09 PM
Wow you guys are harsh.

With that said, it would've been nice if OS just sponsored some sort of tournament first (even if it is just amongst the staff), instead of having 2 guys pick two high level teams and go at it for 7 games...

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