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GameTap has posted an interview with Kendall Boyd, Product Manager for NCAA Football 09.
GameTap: "What's the hook for NCAA Football 09? How has the gameplay changed?"

Kendall Boyd: "The big focus this year is about wide-open gameplay and the college atmosphere. If you went to the National Championship last season, it was all about electricity. We want you to be able to feel the electricity as best you can when you go in and play the game. You do that by making it a more wide-open experience in terms of giving guys more ankle-breaking jukes. At the same time, when you hit the hole immediately at the line of scrimmage, you'll find your opening. But if you're playing against a lesser team, that hole will open, and after running five or 10 yards, it might come down to a footrace. Blocking is one of the big keys to that and [it's] the area the dev team is really concentrating on right now."

Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Vadiplomat04 @ 03/19/08 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Sausage
If I don't see these enhancements it is a rental at best:

First things first wait until the big patch is released.

Second thing I will look for is television presentation from coin toss, new commentary, better stat over lays, sideline animations, refs, facemask penalty, cheerleaders, goal nets, dynamic crowd, alternate unis, and edit ability. Also important games should be mentioned by the commentators and the crowd should be more rowdy.

Third thing
Now onto gameplay:
*Better A.I. play, not everyone just plays online, we need good A.I. to hone our skills.
*Dynamic tackling (gang/individual/etc.)
*Better O-line blocking and interaction with the D-line
*Greater differentiation from a great player to a good player to an average player
*No pauses in playbook screen

Fourth thing
*Dynasty upgrades
-quicker transitions from all the screens
*Tournament mode
*Rivalry games

There has been more than enough time and excuses. If not they have already lost 3 sales because my buddies care about my opinion. That is a .0000003 sales hit, lol. If enough people can keep themselves from buying a shoddy product, then in 09' we can get more poo shoved in our face. Peace.
Read the interview again and watch the pre alpha video and it clearly shows (and in the interview) that they have put more people on the sidelines and added cheerleaders already at that early stage of development. So the enivroment issue this year, 9/10 will be improved. Here another thing you should go see, go to gamespot.com and watch the NFL head coach 09 preview. That video is some evidence that the ESPN presentation will be used in Madden and NCAA as well.
# 42 eDotd @ 03/19/08 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Vadiplomat04
go to gamespot.com and watch the NFL head coach 09 preview. That video is some evidence that the ESPN presentation will be used in Madden and NCAA as well.
No it isn't.
# 43 fistofrage @ 03/19/08 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by feeq14
I know im in the minortiy when i felt that NCAA 08 was near perfect. I would have liked less turnovers and more power running playbooks, but other than that I thought it was great. All I really want is custumizable playbooks
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# 44 umd @ 03/19/08 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni

1. Quit taking out "added features" that have been in and out of NCAA for TEN YEARS NOW. That means don't take out Create a play...leave it in. Don't take out Homefield advantage....TONE IT DOWN BUT DONT TAKE IT OUT. Don't take out Create a Sign. Don't take out FORMATION SUBSTITUTIONS FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!

2. Concentrate on GAMEPLAY...and I don't mean how to perform 287 special moves with the damn analog stick. How about.....decreasing every DBs ability to jump 60" and swat a ball down without even looking for it? Allowing the CPU QB to THROW DEEP? Making LBs play more like College Linebackers and less like some Bionic Ray Lewis with a 50" vertical, hands of Jerry Rice, and awareness of a Super Computer?

3. Take a giant cue from Sega's 2k College Basketball series and add in a preaseason show, a weekly wrap up show, and a BCS preview show. And don't tell me it can't be done...friggin' 2k's been doing it for 3 years now.

See EA. It's not that hard to improve on what I think is the second best sports title BEHIND College Hoops.

But I doubt I'll see much if any of the above. Instead I'll get "super duper spin move/crazy juke mode" and "create your own cheerleader".
True. True. Everything I woulda said you said for me.

EA Sports slogan should be, "EA Sports where everything old is new again..."
# 45 therizing02 @ 03/19/08 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by umd

EA Sports slogan should be, "EA Sports where everything old is new again..."
Ha! I actually like:

"EA Sports, if it's in the game...this year...it won't be next year.


"EA Sports, if it's in the game...we're looking into that for next year."
# 46 Vadiplomat04 @ 03/19/08 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by MomentousCeltic
No it isn't.
Why isn't it?
# 47 fistofrage @ 03/19/08 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by therizing02
Ha! I actually like:

"EA Sports, if it's in the game...this year...it won't be next year.


"EA Sports, if it's in the game...we're looking into that for next year."

They should just make it "EA Sports, we're playing games........" I wonder if they laugh and snicker when they take out a feature or break something that was fine before. I wonder if they call us sheep over there. "Baaaa.......The sheep don't care if we take out variation in the playbooks, they just like looking at the pretty colors on our next gen uniforms......"
# 48 Cardot @ 03/19/08 05:33 PM
Like alot of the other folks here, I feel like I have been down this road before. Everything sounds great ....as it does every year pre-release. In '08, the shrine looked great (which it was) and the stadium shots looked fantastic....but they didn't mention 2 pick-6's per game.

Things I am hoping to hear after '09 comes out:
1. Turnover issue resolved (this one is obvious).
2. No money plays.
3. Menus and switching screens isn't molasses slow as was '08. Not too many people seem to complain about this, so I may be alone, but I find '08 tedius to navigate. Looking through dynasty stats is a chore, and games themselves take about 10 minutes longer from simply waiting for screens to change.
4. No new gamekilling flaws that have not been in any of the previous 15 versions of the game.
# 49 Cardot @ 03/20/08 02:43 PM
After looking at this thread yesterday, I popped in '08 after taking the last few months off. I only played a quarter, and I remembered what made this title so frustrating........there are alot of things it does RIGHT!!! The quarter I played was realistic, challenging and fun. Which reminded me of last fall, when I would get a great game in and figured I had finally found the right settings. But then my hopes would be crushed as the next 3 games were ridiculous turnover/JTS fests.
# 50 TrevJo @ 03/20/08 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Cardot
Like alot of the other folks here, I feel like I have been down this road before. Everything sounds great ....as it does every year pre-release. In '08, the shrine looked great (which it was) and the stadium shots looked fantastic....but they didn't mention 2 pick-6's per game.

Things I am hoping to hear after '09 comes out:
1. Turnover issue resolved (this one is obvious).
2. No money plays.
3. Menus and switching screens isn't molasses slow as was '08. Not too many people seem to complain about this, so I may be alone, but I find '08 tedius to navigate. Looking through dynasty stats is a chore, and games themselves take about 10 minutes longer from simply waiting for screens to change.
4. No new gamekilling flaws that have not been in any of the previous 15 versions of the game.
I am with you all the way on #3. The menus are horribly slow, and loading files is horribly slow as well. After saving a lot of photos and videos through several seasons of dynasty, it now takes me literally 10 minutes to boot up the game, load my dynasty, and start playing. It's my number-one beef with the game.
# 51 Cardot @ 03/20/08 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by TrevJo
I am with you all the way on #3. The menus are horribly slow, and loading files is horribly slow as well.
The one that kills me is when I try to view a replay before the play is completely over.
Hit Start
---wait for menu screen to pop up
View that replay is not yet available, so I back out.
---wait for game screen to return.
---wait for play to formally end.
Hit start again
--wait for menu screen
Hit Replay
--wait for replay screen.
view replay and the exit out.
--wait for menu screen
--wait for game screen to return.
# 52 NYG_Meth @ 03/20/08 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cardot
The one that kills me is when I try to view a replay before the play is completely over.
Hit Start
---wait for menu screen to pop up
View that replay is not yet available, so I back out.
---wait for game screen to return.
---wait for play to formally end.
Hit start again
--wait for menu screen
Hit Replay
--wait for replay screen.
view replay and the exit out.
--wait for menu screen
--wait for game screen to return.
Agreed 100%

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